Chapter 10

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Owen opened his eyes, the first thing he sees is Alan Grant, he gets up confused, "Who are you?"

"Wait, Owen no-" Claire stopped him before he could do anything.

Owen gasped, "Dr. Alan Grant?"

"The one and only." Alan tipped his hat.

"Dr. Ellie Sattler." Owen shook her hand.

"Pleasure." Ellie smiled like she always does, she looked at Gabriel, "This is Gabriel."

Gabriel waved, "Hi."

"I hope you three have an explanation." Alan stared at them, scratching his beard.

"Oh, don't worry we do." Claire replied, she giggled awkwardly.

Alan raised his eyebrow, then said, "Good, then why don't we all find a proper place to talk?"

The small group, went back to town, they all find a seat in a dinner named 'Dirty Spoon'.

Alan cleared his throat and spoke, "Well, we assume you know who we are."

"We do." Claire nodded, Owen as well.

"Now, who are you?" Alan asked.

"Owen Grady, Animal behaviorist, I worked for Jurassic world and I trained raptors." Owen introduced himself

Alan looked at him in shock, later it turned into a frown, "You trained raptors."

"No way,  how?" Gabriel gasped.

Kayla wouldn't stop looking at Owen.

"Yeah, since when they were born, well until the incident happened." Owen frowned.

"And you are sweetie?" Ellie looked at Claire.

"Oh, me" Claire said, "I'm Claire Dearing, I also worked for Jurassic World, and-"

"Wait, Wait."  Ellie said, "Claire Dearing, as in the founder of the DPG."

Claire's eyes widened, she said in a low voice, "Yes, Yes., we avoid talking about it."

"Sorry, it is just so exciting, I loved your movement." Ellie stated.

"Thank you." Claire perplexed.

"What the hell were you doing there?" Alan asked in a louder tone.

Claire explained, "Its hard to explain our daughter, Maisie, well, she was, she was, kidnapped because-"

"Because she's a clone." Owen ended the sentence.

Alan, Ellie, Gabriel, and Kayla gasped in shock.

Alan whispered to himself, "Human cloning..."

"And, our path led to Kayla, her plane crashed she was supposed to ship dinosaurs to the auction." Owen explained, "She was the only survivor, unfortunately."

"That's me." Kayla waved her hand.

"You also know about the auction?" Ellie asked.

"Yes, and we believe they're possible sending Maisie there." Claire said.

"What a coincidence, we were also going to the auction!" Gabriel said it out loud.

"Gabriel." Ellie looked at him.

He zipped his mouth, "Sorry."

"I did not expect this." A man behind Alan said.

"Who are you?" Owen asked.

"Me." Ian Malcolm revealed himself.

Claire's gasped, "Dr. Malcolm."

"Yeah, that one." Ian grabbed a chair and joined them.

"Ian, you decide to join us?" Alan teased him.

"Yeah, there's a reason, we need to stop this bullshit." Ian said.

"Okay, what about this." Alan said, "We help your find your daughter, and you help us expose Biosyn."

"Deal." Owen shook Alan's hand.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kayla stood up, pushing her chair off

"I like this one." Gabriel commented, also standing up.

"I can get us there, we don't have to be involved with Biosyn." Kayla said.

"Good, let's follow the pilot." Ian looked over at Alan.

Kayla led them to a secret airport, where there were multiple hidden planes, the team entered the small airplane.

Ian sighed, "I will regret this."

Kayla sets up the plane, she looked over at everyone sitting, "No need to be scared, the flight will take about 14 hours."

"It's not like we haven't been in a plane before." Ian crossed his arms, gazing a Dr. Sattler.

Gabriel was sweating nervously, "Well, haven't."

"Enjoy your flight amigo." Ian chuckled.

Kayla started the plane, she was already taking off.

Alan and Ellie sat next to each other, Ian looked at them and asked, "So are you two?"

Alan slightly glared at Ian, "What? no no, we're just-"

"We're just friends." Ellie said, "Working together."

"Oh, right- sorry." Ian turned around and slept.

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