Chapter 9

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Owen and Claire followed the path that led to Biosyn's location, they were anxious and nervous, Owen looked at Claire, she shed a tear, they suddenly stopped in front of a huge rocky and snowy cliff, they get out of the car.

"You have arrived at your destination." The GPS announced as soon as they stopped, they managed to put Biosyn's location on the GPS, with the help of Franklin's abilities.

"And what now?" Claire looked around confusedly.

"There must be a secret entrance." Owen searched around the rocks, to see if there was anything.

"Owen." Claire sighed, "Maybe we could walk around it?"

Owen realized, "Yeah, that makes sense."

The couple walked past the cliff and reach a giant flat location, they see nothing but a crashed plane.

"There's nothing?" Claire was in shock, "Just that stupid plane."

"That crash is fresh." Owen stared at it.

"What?" Claire looked at Owen, "What do you mean.

"That crash is new." Owen climbed down the small hill.

"Wait- Owen!" Claire tried to stop him but was unable, she waited for him at the hill, Owen finally reached the crashed plane, he tried to open the door, he circled it, he was able to open the door, the first thing he sees is dead dinosaurs inside cages, he looked at it in shock, he got inside and searched for survivors, the co-pilot was dead, except the pilot was not, she was breaking, Owen gasped, he dragged her along with him.

Claire stared straight at the plane, "What the f-"

"Claire!" Owen shouted, "There's on survivor!"

"Holy shit." Claire gasped, she ran after them, she kneeled, "What do we do?"

"We wake her up." Owen got closer to the pilot's face.

"What are you doing?" Claire asked, she was taunted.

"Mouth to mouth resuscitation," Owen replied, he was trying to help her breathe and wake up.

"Owen, please." Claire tried to stop them, Owen blocked her with his hand.

Suddenly the pilot awoke, Owen looked at her surprised, The pilot smirked "Am I dead?"

"Not anymore." Owen stood up, glancing at her.

The pilot stood up as well, wiping the snow off her outfit, "For a second I thought I was dead because I could not believe I was being kissed by this gorgeous man, I'm Kayla by the way."

"Owen, this is-" Owen spoke but Claire interrupted him.

Claire was offended again, she cleared her throat, "Claire." Claire shook Kayla's hand "First of all, Kayla, the gorgeous man, has a wife, and that's me." she raised her eyebrow, "Second of all, that wasn't a kiss, it was Mouth to mouth resuscitation."

"Same thing." Kayla laughed awkwardly, "Oh no, the dinos." she sighed, "Well, you guys saved my life, ill do anything in exchange."

"Ohh?" Claire grinned, she looked at Owen, he shrugged, Claire spoke, "Actually, there is something-"

"Was there anybody with you?" Kayla asked.

"No why?" Claire was confused by Kayla's question.

"Because there is someone coming." Kayla pointed at the three strange figures heading towards them.

"Run." Owen whispered.

Owen, Claire, and Kayla try to run on the deep snow.

The man shouted, "Wait!"

The woman spoke after, "We mean no harm."

"They, mean no harm..." Kayla whispered.

"We can't trust them." Owen whispered back.

Suddenly an avalanche was bout to fall.

"RUN!" Claire yelled, they run towards the others, tripping on the deep snow, and passing out.

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