Chapter 14

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The freed dinosaurs were able to leave, the plesiosaurs struggled to go back into the water, it made it and left, every other dinosaur tempered towards the city.

Carolyn O'Hara now wearing her shirt and leggings, "What the-"

She was stomped by the dinosaurs along the way screaming in pain.

The two deinonychuses communicated with each other, Howard watched he hid in the corner, he tried to get away, but he saw what the dinosaurs did to Wyatt and Carolyn, there was a group of compies eating the remains of Wyatt, the two deinonychuses tried to figure a way out.

They bit the bars, but were unable, suddenly the female one noticed the lock, she raised it with her arm, she had opened the door, they both looked at each other rand snarled, Howard squealed he hid behind a table, accidentally making noise, calling their attention, Howard whimpered in fear, he was suddenly cornered by the two dinosaurs, and instantly killed by both of them.

Dodgson headed back to his helicopter, "Lowery send all units, assets out of containment, repeating send all units."

"Got it chief." Lowery replied.

The team was heading towards Malta, Barry, Zane and the whole group were inside BioSyn helicopters ready to contain the dinosaurs.

The deinonychuses noticed they were free and ran towards the city.

The gang noticed it.

"Oh shit." Alan sighed, "They're heading towards the city."

Ian teased the others again, "Chaos theory!" he laughed, "It was pretty obvious this was going to happen.

"I need to take them away from the city." Owen found a motorbike near them.

"Wait!" Claire stopped him, "What do we do?"

"Warm the citizens!" Owen said, "The others try to keep the guards busy."

"Come on!" Alan called for Claire they both followed Owen to the city.

"Come on guys, let's keep those gu-" Ian was suden3ly interrupted by the pyroraptors.

"That's impossible." Gabriel was shaking.

"Not anymore." Ellie said.

"First time?" Ian asked looking over at the others.

"Yes!" They all replied in fear.

They run away from them, splitting up, Ellie and Ian together, Gabriel, Kayla, and Audrey went in the opposite direction.

"Get them." The guard grinned evilly.

Owen Grady rose his motorbike around the city of Malta having beautiful sights, but still no sign of the deinonychuses.

Alan and Claire found themselves in the middle of the street.

"Stay inside!" Alan shouted, Claire finished "It's dangerous out here!"

The citizens were hiding inside the homes.

Families and citizens were enjoying their lives in a restaurant when they noticed something is heading toward their way, multiple dinosaurs,  everything was destroyed, the dinosaurs tried to find food and water.

The baby nasutoceratops found a scent and followed it, a teenage boy was eating ice cream, he screamed when he saw the baby dinosaur, he then kneeled and tried to pet him, the nasutoceratops proceeded to eat the ice cream, the boy complained "Ħej dak tiegħi!", the boy walked away, but then the baby sent him flying over the air, the boy groaned and ran away "Ddejjaqni d-dinosawri!" The baby nasutoceratops went in the opposite direction.

Claire and Alan continued to warn the citizens, "Stay inside! remain inside!" even though they weren't understanding a single word they said.

Owen followed the screams, he found himself in front of an alley.

A random gangster pointed a gun to Owen's head, "Hi raġel, ir-rota tiegħek tidher friska."

Suddenly the male deinonychus charged at him and killed him.

Owen's eyes widened, he sped up his motorbike, calling the dinosaur's attention, he was now being chased by two dinosaurs.

He rode wildly through the city, avoiding human contact, the two creatures were confusing on Owen, he kept honking so they wouldn't get distracted, Owen suddenly tripped from the motorbike, loosing his beige coat, the male one was about to kill him when it was hit with 3 tranquilizer darts, it fell to the ground, the other one as well.

Owen pushed their bodies over, he saw a hand in front of him, it was Barry "Need a hand?"

"Barry?" Owen was shocked so his old friend.

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