Chapter 11

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Dodgson's helicopter flew over the ocean, Lewis looked at the beautiful city of Malta in amazement, Howard and Carolyn sat beside him.

"Mr. Dodgson." Carolyn spoke, with a nervous look on her face.

He turned around and looked at her annoyed, "What is it?"

"Wyatt Huntley the auctioneer is waiting for you at the auction room, he wants to speak to you." Carolyn announced, she adjusted her glasses.

"Very well, contact him, say that we're already here." Dodgson said, putting his sunglass on.

"As you wish." Carlyn nodded, she then grabbed her phone, "Mr. Huntley?"

The helicopter landed in a secret area, away from the main area of the city, Dodgson gets out of the helicopter along with the other two.

"Howard." Dodgson called for him.

Howard jumped a bit, "Huh? yes?"

"Come with me." Dodgson said, "Miss. O'Hara, please check if everything is going as planned."

"Affirmative." The two replied, going their separate ways.

The dinosaurs were also being shipped to the location, multiple trucks followed by other trucks arrived at the garage where they kept the dinosaurs.

Barry hopped off of the truck, "Help me take these dinosaurs away."

The two deinonychuses were kept in the same cage,  Barry helped the rangers have the courage to carry them.

One ranger carried a small crate full of Compies, another one carried a cage with a Lystrosaurus.

Carolyn walked over to them, "Lowery, phase one complete, all dinosaurs were shipped."

"That's a negative."  Lowery replied over the phone.

Carolyn's expression changed all of a sudden, "What do you mean? that's a negative?"

"The plane containing one of the groups of microceratuses did not make it to Malta." Lowery communicated to her, Carolyn was freaking out.

Carolyn walked back and forth, "Alright, thank you for telling me." she turned it off and sighed.

Howard and Dodgson head towards a hidden building, two guards with pyroraptors guarded the place, one pyroraptor tried to bite Dodgson but it was tased as soon as it tried, Dodgson laughed at it, Howard nodded to the guards, "Good Morning."

Dodgson looked at Hoard and said, "King, please greet the guests when they arrive."

"Okay..." Howard sighed, he stood next to the entrance.

Wyatt Huntley, the auctioneer waited for Dodgson, he noticed footsteps "Lewis!"

"Huntley." Dodgson shook Wyatt's hands.

"It's a pleasure." Wyatt said.

"Well, Let's see these dinosaurs shall we?" Dodgson pulled up a false persona, he pretended to be a friendly person with other people.

"Well yeah." Wyatt chuckled awkwardly, he followed Dodgson.

They arrived at the garage, Barry and other Biosyn rangers were bringing the dinosaurs in.

"So these are the species?" Wyatt asked.

"Yes, these are the species." Dodgson answered he walked around the room, "There are at least 10 species, some were made by our fantastic scientists, while others were made by Ingen, you can pretty much tell the ones that were made by us are better since they have better quality and are fully trained and domesticated."

"Fully trained and domesticated? Wow, that's a total upgrade." Wyatt was impressed.

"We have more than dinosaurs, species from other time periods and more they can even be considered as pets." Dodgson pointed at the lone lystrosaurus inside the cage, "Oh we also have fossils, parts of their skin, teeth, and stuff like that." 

Wyatt was speechless, "Wow, just wow."

Howard joined them in the room, "The plane that crashed contained dinosaurs."

"Oh shit." Dodgson cussed to himself, "What species was it?"

"Microceratus." Howard replied reading the paper.

"As long as it inst the deinonychus couple, it's fine." Dodgson said, "Now go back to the entrance!"

"Yes, boss." Howard ran back to his posiotiom.

Dodgson turned around and looked at Wyatt, "I'll tell you more."

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