Chapter 17

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Back in the USA, Zane kept the original trio hostage, they landed on the BioSyn facility, the pyroraptor guards were watching them cautiously, Ian complained "Now I actually regret this."

"Silence." Zane said, he tightened the handcuffs

"How menacing." Ian scoffed, Alan and Ellie stared at him.

They leave the facility inside one of the BioSyn themed jeeps.

Zane turned around and looked at the trio, "Okay, hear me out, you three are helping us kill the T-Rex, that creature has some very expensive and rare features, which could give us a lot of money in auctions, like the one you ruined."

"We will not help you kill that creature." Alan tried to break free.

"Really?" Zane groused, "I don't care, I just need you 3, because you already know this animal."

"Oh, not that one." Ian groaned.

"Oh, yes that one." Zabe cackled, he teased them again, "I'm pretty sure you miss your sweet old friend."

"Shut up." Ian argued.

"You two stop it now!" Ellie yelled, she cleared her throat, "Unfortunately, Zane, we won't help you, with whatever you need us for, just let us go."

"I already said I won't." Zane turned around and smiled, "Here we are."

They all get out of the jeep and stand beside it.

"A forest." Alan blinked.

"Exactly." Zane prepared his gun, "A forest where we hunt."

"Hey, you." Zane called the other poacher, "Watch them for me, I'll be at the helicopter."

Zane suddenly disappeared into the darkness, he entered the helicopter, there was a huge gun, that contained a poisonous dart inside, to kill the T-Rex.

"If he's going by himself, why did he need us for?" Ellie asked.

"To find it." Alan replied.

"What?" Ian and Ellie were quite confused by it.

"We know that animal." Alan said, "We know how it behaves."

"What's up Doc." Zane communicated with them via a speaker, "The T-Rex has taken territory on this area, lead the way."

Alan sighed, "Let's cooperate with him."

Ellie was shocked by seeing Alan agreeing with them, she looked down sadly.

It was a T-Rex hunting nights, everyone was out to find it, A hunter and his dog left their home to find the huge creature, the man settled himself in front of a clearing where he waited the dog sat beside him, suddenly a bear showed up it drank water from a puddle, it rose it's head scared and ran away back to the woods, the dog began barking straight at the darkness, other hunters showed up.

"She's here!" The man shouted running towards its direction.

The hunter noticed the puddle was shaking, it definitely was what he was looking for. suddenly he heard noises of bones crunching the two other hunters were no longer alive, suddenly the creature lets out a loud roar, the dog whimpered and ran away because of it, "No!" the man cried, the T-Rex revealed itself, the man screamed in fear as he was crushed by the enormous creature.

Alan, Ian, and Ellie heard Rexy's roar.

"That way." Alan pointed in the direction from where it came.

"Jackpot." Zane cheered, they found the T-Rex, Rexy turned around and noticed the helicopter, she roared at it and ran away, "Follow that thing!"

In the skyline drive-in movie theaters, families, couples and single people were watching 'The Thing' a classic movie, a young little girl inside her car noticed something was approaching, she was interested and confused, suddenly Rexy ripped through the screen interrupting the movie, the little girl screamed in fear, she and her family made it out of the drive-in theater in time, while multiple cars crashed, Rexy destroyed them and crushed a woman accidentally along the way, Alan and the others parked near it.

"She can't stay here." Alan tried to take the wheel.

"Hey! what do you think you're doing?" The man tried to push Alan, suddenly Ellie knocked him out.

Both Alan and Ian looked at her, Ellie blinked, "What?" she straightened her hair.

Zane gave a thumbs up to the sniper, "You have only one chance, Shoot her now!"

He tried to shoot Rexy but missed, the dart landed on the front glass of a black car, Rexy roared at the helicopter.

"You idiot!" Zane pushed the man off the helicopter, Rexy caught him and ate him.

Zane punched the wall, the yelped, "Fuck!"

Alan honked trying to get Rexy's attention, he succeeded, Rexy followed the jeep.

"Hello, old friend." Alan said, speeding up the car, Rexy chased after him, Rexy tried to flip the car, but was unable.

Alan turned the car, accidentally ending up on a highway, Rexy also followed, they drew her to the other side of the road, where there was no population, the helicopter reached them, Rexy ran away in fear, that's when they last see her.

"We saved a lot of lives." Ian said.

"This is the same T-Rex from the first park and the one who broke into the San Diego Zoo." Alan breathed heavily, he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, "Hopefully it remains there in the woods."

"She probably won't." Ellie said.

Zane opened the back door, "Ready to go on another trip?"

Alan, Ian, and Ellie looked at each other and sighed, they all get back inside the helicopter and fly towards Isla Sorna

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