Chapter 26

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The rain stopped, but the wheater could still be changing soon.

Gabriel was running across the jungle, slapping branches and leaves when he suddenly reached a building, that looked pretty much abandoned, he shivered in fear, he entered it, holding a branch to protect himself, he accidentally finds a wall that opened a cabinet full of weapons, he gasped and grabbed one, he continued to look for something, when he found the power source, "Yes!" he cheered, all the power of the island was back on, but unfortunately every dinosaur had already broken out, but luckily he could still find someone to rescue them, he attempted to find a channel where someone could hear him, "Hello? Hello? does anybody copy?"

"¿Hola, como puedo ayudarte?" The woman asked.

Gabriel gasped, "Oh." he continued, "Hole, Digo, Hola es una emergencia, necesitamos ser rescatados." he continued.

Meanwhile, at the raft, Alan was chilling at the edge of it, Ian sits beside him.

"So are exposing them after all?" Ian asked, looking at the water.

"Yes, there isn't much proof left." Alan sighed, "But at least there's the island."

"Right." Ian confessed, "I'm sorry, for my past behavior, I just hate being right all the time."

"And that's okay." Ellie said, smiling at the two of them, "I'm glad you're finally getting along."

"Did you hear that?" Maisie asked, she gasped.

Suddenly as soon as the raft left the jungly area, a field was revealed with multiple kinds of dinosaurs, Triceratops' grazing on the hills, Brachiosaurus' drinking water from the river and eating leaves from the highest trees, Stegosaurus' migrating across the field, Parasaurolophus' honking and laying down on the sun, Gallimimus' stampeding across the field running away from a herd of Ankylosaurus', the humans watched it.

"It's beautiful." Claire wiped her tears.

"It is." Owen agreed with her, smiling a bit.

An ankylosaurus splashes water on them, with its tail, they all laughed at it, having fun with the dinosaurs.

A lone Brachiosaurus' made its way across the river.

Alan beamed, "A Brachiosaurus, that's the first living dinosaurs I've ever seen, it was like a-"

"A miracle." Claire added.

"Yes, right a miracle." Alan smiled at Claire's comment.

"Yeah, not when they try to kill us." Ian said.

"He kind of has a point." Kayla agreed with Malcolm, she leaned on the wall.

Ian scoffed, and looked at Kayla, "Finally someone who understands my point."

Claire and Owen sat beside Maisie, Claire asked "What did they do to you, honey?"

"Dr. Wu got some blood samples-" Maisie explained.

Claire gasped, "Wait a minute Dr. Wu- didn't he die in that explosion?"

"I thought so too until he did that to me." Maisie frowned, she looked back at the dinosaurs.

"He faked his death, so he could continue his projects." Claire said.

"He's dead now." Maisie replied.

"That explains why the lab was so destroyed, the deinonychuses escaped?" Owen asked.

"Yes." Maisie nodded.

All of a sudden the storm was coming back, the herds of dinosaurs were getting stressed and triggered.

"Ugh." Ian complained, "Just when we were getting some peace."

The storm was getting worse than before, more flashes of lightning and the raindrops increas4d, they had to stop the boat, and allow a herd of parasaurolophuses' cross the river, right after that they continued their journey, suddenly a Triceratops charged at the raft, the raft spun and crashed on the shore.

"We have to push it!" Owen yelled.

The group of humans get out of the raft and begin to push it back to the river, but what they didn't realize, is that the dinosaurs were running away from something else, something bigger, a spinosaurus.

They all board the raft, again, continuing.

"Now, we just have to find a safe spot." Alan guessed he sat leaning on the wall.

"Safe spot?" Ian fake laughed, "There's no safe spot here."

From far behind, a creature approached the raft, its giant fin was appearing from the water, later its whole body was revealed, Alan turned around and noticed the creature, "It's her."

"Who?" Ian asked.

"The one I told you about Ian, years ago." Alan explained.

"Oh, crap." Ian croaked.

"It's the same one from before Owen!" Kayla yelled.

Owen agreed, "Yeah it's her."

"Can't this thing go faster?" Ellie tried to speed it up somehow, but it wasn't working at all.

"Maybe there's a button somewhere-" Alans searched the control pannel.

"There isn't." Ellie replied.

Everybody turned around and saw the giant creature staring straight at them, they rushed inside the control room, the spinosaurus attempted to get inside the raft, but she noticed she wouldn't be able to, they were all doomed, suddenly the spinosaurus tried to pull the raft into the water, the humans locked inside the control panel, struggling the breath properly, the spinosaurus then broke the glass, water entered the room where the gang was in, the spinosaurus kept pushing the raft even deeper into the water, it shrieked.

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