Chapter 19

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After a long flight, they finally reached Isla sorna, Claire looked over the window, she gazed at the herds of triceratops, stegosaurus, brachiosaurus, parasaurolophus, and gallimimus'.

On the other side, Gabriel and Audrey witnessed Pteranodon's flying away from the island to who knows where.

Kayla proceeds to land the plane when suddenly a creature showed up in front of the plane, she screamed, it was the Giganotosaurus, with the creature showing up in front of the plane, it made the plane crash in the forest nearby.

Claire yelled, "Kayla what happened?!" she worried about her.

"A dinosaur-" Kayla was knocked out, by banging her head on the wall, suddenly the plane crashed on the trees, being saved by vines.

Owen woke up he coughed, "Is everyone alright? Gabriel? Audrey? Kayla?"

"I'm fine." Kayla crawled towards them, Owen and Claire helped her up, suddenly a create was trying to destroy the cockpit and it succeded, it really was the giganotosaurus, they screamed in fear.

"Why do I keep crashing planes?!" Kayla questioned herself.

"This time wasn't exactly your fault!" Claire replied, holding onto the seats.

"It wasn't mine the other time either!" Kayla replied.

The giganotosaurus drooled, it wanted some food, she tried to snatch one of them into her mouth, Claire and Kayla kicked a seat until it fell into her face, the creature was too big to even notice a seat fell in its gigantic face, suddenly the other half of the plane started to collapse.

"Oh god-" Gabriel covered his ears.

The Giganotosaurus roared, she tried to snatch someone from inside, Audrey was nearly killed she cried in fear and kicked the giga's face.

"Hold onto something!" Owen yelled.

Half of the plane collapsed to the ground, buying them time to run away from the giganotosaurus which was attacking the plane not the humans, the giganotosaurus noticed them and ran after them again, they all fell from a hill, where the Giganotosaurus couldn't go, it roared again, she suddenly heard the sound of another creature and ran after it.

They all gasped for some air, Kayla rubbed her arm "That was intense."

"We had luck this time." Owen snapped his fingers and stretched out.

"What was that thing?" Kayla asked.

"A Giganotosaurus." Gabriel replied.

"How do you know?" Audrey questioned, "How did you take a proper look at him when you were literally being chased by him!"

"First of all her." Gabriel corrected her, "Second of all, I know the difference between a T-Rex and a Giganotosaurus, I learned like 4 days ago, I expected more from a professional like you."

"So you're saying I'm not capable of knowing dinosaur species?" Audrey confronted Gabriel, "Darling, I spent years trying to be a paleo-vet, and yet here I am, working for the DPG and ending up in the lost world of Isla Sorna!"

"But-" Gabriel was about to bicker again.

"Enough!" Claire stopped them before the fight could continue, "Both of you, can we at least focus? we need to find Maisie."

"Yeah, she's right." Owen said, "We're in unknown territory, to find her we need to go in separate teams."

"I volunteer to go with Owen." Kayla swooned again, she stood beside him.

"So that means, Audrey and Gabriel, go with Claire." Owen guessed.

"Yes." Claire nodded, "Hum." she found two random walkie-talkies, "If one of us find Maisie we communicate with each other, and come back here, later we figure a way out."

"Got it." Owen grabbed his walkie-talkie.

The two different groups went in separate ways, not knowing where their paths were leading to.

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