Second Prince - Part 4 - Shidge.

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"Brother, if you would just listen to her then mayb-" Shiro started to say as calmly as he could while he stepped forward, trying to help Pidge speak with his brother who wasn't listening. 

"Silence dear brother or I'll make you" Lotor yelled back making Shiro freeze in his step before looking to his brother wide eye.

"This isn't the way, if you just look at the consequences over your actions then you'll understand why Pidge had got as far as she did with her friends. You must know other's are dying and whole clans that were once important to us has been wiped out for no true reason. Please, this is not how our kingdom should b-" Shiro started to say, pleading for his brother to at least try and look over his consequences and see how much the kingdom has changed since he took over ruling while their father was away. 

"Do you disagree with how I'm ruling, are you questioning your future King orders. Are you my brother betraying me after all these years, taking the side of others when I was the only one to stay by you when everyone else only saw you as a bastard son even after your mother death. I stayed as your brother, I carried on the shame our father brought by sleeping with that servant while married to my Ma. I helped you to become the knight you are today .. do not throw all those years away for some miss nobody" Lotor roared back as he stood, glaring towards his brother and letting his anger take over as Shiro lowered his head. 

"I'm sorry brother but we promised to be better kings than our father, your becoming like him" Shiro weakly spoke, he knew what he needed to stand up for even if it ended up hurting his beloved brother.

"Worse! You dare call me worse little brother .. get out of my sight before I hang you for treasonous words" Lotor scoffed, Shiro silently nodding before grabbing Pidge pushing Pidge out of the throne room with him. 

"Don't be embarrassed over your birth, you were given life and that's one of the most blessed things to be given even if it's taken from you one day. My parents weren't married when they had my brother, marrying when he was a toddler but then they were in love. It's not the same thing as the king cheating with a servant and having the second prince born by her but you know .. don't lower your head. I'm sure .. you have nothing to be ashamed over is what I'm trying to say" Pidge awkwardly mumbled wanting to try and lessen his guilt over his birth but not sure how to cheers up.

Shiro chuckled as he felt her playfully punch him, her words had meaning as he was thankfully for them. 

"I was never embarrassed, my mother was a good women. I have another brother known as Sven, he was the son of my mother husband who died as a soldier, saving the king life from an assassination. My mother was good to my brother and worked hard in the castle to make money for him and his future, she sent him to her home village within the Black clan. She fell in love with the King who was rather kind towards us when he noticed her skills within the gardens and the odd flowers in the halls. They would talk and a friendship was gained at first but more they talked more they felt free and happy with the other, a love was born. It was a mistake on both parts the night they shared a bed, neither ever thinking it would happen but it did. The king walked away, letting her keep her job as he blamed himself for what happened, he should have kept a distance from any who wasn't a knight or his wife. But my mother found out the news over having me within her, the king couldn't just leave her knowing how others would same her. He offered to protect their friendship by pretending the child belonged to another man. She agreed, she couldn't return to my brother or her clan without money after all. The Queen noticed the look in her husband eyes and watched as he would visit me while my mother worked, she took great care of me and loved me truly. It wasn't long until the Queen had figured it out and my mother fell sick, a poisoning admitted by the queen on her death bed. Of course, they took me in as their son and the queen acted like she gave birth to me but all in the castle learnt the truth when she herself died" Shiro spoke calmly, a soft smile on his lips as he thought over the small memories he held over her before she died when he was only six.

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