Already Paired - Part 2 - Kidge.

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"Zarkon" Shiro repeated in horror as he looked to the twins who glanced in the opposite direction of each other while shiro sat on the edge of the coffee table looking at them since they sat on the sofa. Keith sitting on one of the chairs, just looking at them both wide eyes.

"We didn't know it was his office, we were told intel on it being on another boss. It wasn't until we were inside doing what we do best that we saw him. It was too late for us to back down and so we continued our work, he'll be slow for business for at least a couple months now .. well in that town anyway" Pidge sighed, turning to Shiro as she knew it was mostly her own fault for not checking the intel enough and just heading straight in with her brother to mess with the boss to help slow business for a couple months. 

"At first we thought we got away clean, you know we don't leave any real evidence behind apart from the Rover symbol but we never placed one for him. Once we saw him, we didn't dare to spray up the symbol and just left for the bombs to go off by their timer. Somehow Zarkon learnt it was us becuase just days later he sent his men after us and we'll after two months of almost dying daily, we knew we needed to ask you for help to hide us until we assumed dead or things clam down" Matt explained with a frown, his hands held together in a tight grip.

"I'll help, we family remember and I won't leave you to die. Never by Zarkon anyways, he one of the main villains we've been trying to bring down but never find a lead on him" Shiro sighed as he looked to matt, hoping to calm him with a slight smile and it seemed to help a little.

"That not the worse part" Pidge weakly spoke making Shiro raise a worried eyebrow.

"We hacked threw the system like always and well, a certain name popped up too" Matt mumbled back, nervously rubbed his neck making his air full over his shoulder and that when Keith noticed something on his neck.

"What name" Shiro asked, concern clear in his eyes.

"Holt" Pidge answered making Shiro freeze up before lowing his head as his hands turned into fists.

"They um still seem to be making their own brand of heat suppressants pills but they also selling a decent amount to Zarkon. They his main dealer it seems" Matt added on, lowing his head in slight shame. 

"I'm sorry, we didn't think they would ever make a deal with Zarkon since they hated Omegas so much and Zarkon business and money all comes from the dirty work involving Omegas" Pidge frowned, her eyes filling with hate, guilt and shame.

"Its not your fault and your not apart of them anymore, right" Shiro replied with a small smile, trying to calm the siblings.

"No, they much rather have us dead then ever call us their bloodline" Matt scoffed making Pidge lower her head in slight shame.

"But we will need their help or you might be able to use them if I'm honest. They the only ones with a real personal link to Zarkon, he meets with them for the deals and well if you can win them over then you gain Zarkon location" Pidge spoke up with a forced smile and Shiro gave a thankful nod.

"Keith, Whatever your heard stays between us .. understood"  Shiro ordered as he looked over his shoulder at him as Keith gave an understanding nod.

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