Crash Landing Camp - Part 2 - Kidge.

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Night was falling, it was still early evening around six but night was falling and the chill in the air had them all light up their fires. Some groups found a way to light their own fire and the other group had Lance or Pidge lighting it for them with the matches they had, not telling the group that points would be taken since no fire no life. 

Food and water was given out, at least two of the group got their own food and water with ease and just used their own. Group C and D had the food and water but only Group C and B was the only groups that could light their fire. Of course group A was still dead and the older ones knew it making them just take what Pidge or Lance gave them while the rest in the group didn't see any problem in it. Group D was mostly half dead and half alive by now. 

But while silence filled the air, everyone getting ready to eat or drink, stay warm by the fire. The silence was cut lose as screams, yelps and Pidge full on laughing filled the air. 

Each group either huddled up or went to run as a certain Space dog appeared before them all along with its master Keith in his blade of Marmora unifrom, the mask down but his hood up. 

Pidge found this rather amusing becuase everyone but her or Lance had shat themselves from the suddenly drop in and their reactions were priceless. 

Of course, glancing around once more before lifting an eyebrow as Ben stood protectively before her, well slightly to the side but still a step ahead with his pocket knife in hand. 

Now Pidge knew she was still slightly shorter then most but she was an ex paladin and she didn't back down from a fight unless it was to live another day. So, why was some fighter pilot who was only a year older then her and decided he was a big shot trying to being the big alpha by protecting her.

It seemed Keith noticed because he was walking straight over, a very unpleased look on his face. Pidge stepped to the side as she noticed Keith slightly angered eyes locked onto Ben, no one was going to stop him from whatever he planned. Flitching herself as Keith gripped Ben wrist a lot tighter then needed before twisting i and kicking his leg, throwing him forward with landing on the ground with a thud. A pained grunt leaving Ben lips while Keith glared at him slightly before glancing to Pidge, giving a slight nod.

"Hello Cosmo" Pidge smiled brightly, kneeling down as the space wolf came trotting over happily.

"Your Late" Lance grinned as he placed his hands on his hips, standing by the fire he and Pidge was using.

"I was busy" Keith replied with a shrug.

"I see" Pidge smirked as she glanced to him, understanding Lance special surprise.

"And here I thought you weren't one for the outdoors unless you had your tech with you" Keith asked in a slight tease, crossing his arms as he looked to the young women.

"And here I thought you didn't like doing favours for our sharpshooter" Pidge shot back as she stood up, placing a hand on her hip.

"Who says I did it for him" Keith smirked, hearing the women giggle.

"Still a third wheel" Lance sighed to himself as he turned to the other groups, calming them down and letting them go back to the camp.

A couple minutes passed and the three ex paladins sat on the bench once more, watching the fire burn away as they started eating.

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