Fire Curse - Kidge.

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"So" She asked as she glanced to her private knight who almost never left her side. She was twenty three, an age when most women would be married long ago and already having children. Long soft hazel hair ending at her mid back as he slowly grew from when she chopped it short. Bright pretty hazel eyes shining behind round nerdy glasses stolen from her brother long ago. Cute freckles dotted over her cheeks and nose, fair skin. 

"He says he cursed, only your magic can help save him apparently" Shiro sighed, crossing his arms over his armour as he leaned back resting on the wall beside the door. He was twenty seven, a time where most would have chosen their fate and settled down for a future they wished for. He was just above average height with pale skin. A pink scar over his nose and a magical right arm to replace the one he lost in war. Short black hair with a white fluffy tuff and gentle but stern grey eyes. 

"That not what I'm asking and you know it" She huffed out, leaning back on her desk chair and leaving the papers that needed her signature or approval laying on the desk in what was a huge mess but she understood the piles. 

"He strange, he's clearly killed in the past and has great training when it comes fighting with a sword, he might even be able to beat me one day if he keeps training. But that makes him dangerous and as we found him in the woods just left for dead while he won't tell us any information over where he from or he is. We don't know if he a spy or not, he could be the one" Shiro replied in a small but clam voice, his eyes closed as he thought about the man in their tower.

"But can we trust him" She asked, looking at him as her hands rested on her lap.

"As your knight, I would say no" Shiro answered as he opened his eyes, staring at the floor.

"But as my friend, please shiro we both know I don't have much time left and I need trust your gut not follow the rules or we might be too late to save him if we can" She spoke up, slightly pleading eyes as she stepped towards him but stopping at the end of her desk and leaning on the edge.

"I trust him, he may have a past but I can trust him so will you" Shiro replied with a sadden smile as he met with her eyes. 

"Then lets go meet this mystery knight, I wonder what his curse may be" She smirked, heading for the door with a slight skip in her step.

"Just be careful, I trust him but he still seems wild and dangerous. I'm not sure what he'll do until you tame him" Shiro warned as he opened the door for her before the two left.

Katie Holt, a mage with great power and is blessed by mother nature or so the rumours say. She was a child of nature, plants have always taken care of her and protected her before allowing her to live freely. Her own power grown by her hard work and focus to keep learning as much as she can.

But while she held great power, she was only feared for it.

This earned her to be placed in a fortress at the edge of the woods at the edge of the kingdom. The woods were natural grounds between the Altea Kingdom and the Daibazaal Kingdom. The small woods that neither kingdom own and yet it was directly between the two kingdoms. 

But no one dared to sneak into the Altea kingdom by the woods knowing they'll have to pass the fortress and no one got past the fortress day or night no one unwelcomed got past without being caught and locked up for questioning. 

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