Sorry not Sorry - James x Pidge.

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"Why is James shirtless .. the guys don't normally train shirtless" Adam asked as he and Pidge stood leaning on the far wall of the Garrison gym wall looking at the boy in question.

James stood in white work out shorts that ended just above his knees, something boxes might wear in the ring. His feet wearing black socks and orange trainers while his chest was bare.

"I might have told him that the paladins trained and worked out without shirts to help improve their muscle from freezing up and to have the others know when someone should slow down by eyeing the sweat formed" Pidge answered without any guilt and holding her space phone as she took many .. many photos of a bare chested James.

"That is why your the smartest out of Voltron" Adam joked as he glanced to the girl, both of them in their own training/work out clothes.

Pidge was given some spare work out clothes by the Garrison when Voltron was taken to the base, they still had yet taken down Sendak and his ships but they were in the middle of forming a plan. Right now, it was the daily work out and training and well they offered the MFE jet pilots to join .. only James agreed.

Pidge wore dark green work out leggings with a white strike down the side of the leg, Lime green socks with simple black trainers that were slightly too big for her. A light green lose vest and a sports bra under. Adam had his normal work out grey leggings with a white work out vest. White socks and dark purple work out trainers that fit but then again he been on earth all this time with things in his size.   

"Don't worry, I hid Shiro work out vest from his locker .. he gonna be coming in here asking if the others got left any tops" Pidge smirked and Adam eyes sparkled.

"You are the best person ever" Adam cried tears of joy as he hugged Pidge before they both turned as the door opened.

"Urr James, why are you shirtless" Hunk asked with worry as he, Lance and Keith stepped in. Hunk had grey joggers with a dark orange polo top. Grey socks and a pair of grey trainers too small from him.

"Why aren't you all shirtless" James asked confused as he looked to the other male paladins who were clearly all dressed.

"Oh, I get it. He trying to man one up over us paladins by showing of his body .. well we game" Lance grinned back as he pulled off the light blue sports vest and threw it to the ground. He was left in dark blue training shorts that ended mid thigh with light blue socks and white trainers luckily in his size. 

"No wait .. I wasnt trying to" James started to say with worry as he raised his hands but was stopped as the door opened. 

"Oh thank god, I'm not the only one with a missing vest. When I reached the locker given to me, it only had the shorts inside" Shiro huffed out in relief as he stormed into the room seeing James shirtless as well. 

"Well it seems like a shirtless party now .. I'm not scared to train like this but Hunk for god shake keep your top on. You don't need to cry over being shirtless ever again, we not gonna force you to train shirtless ever again" Keith mumbled before turning to Hunk who gave a thankful smile as he kept his top on. Keith threw his lose red vest to the ground leaving him in black sports leggings and faded red trainers that luckily fit him. His mullet pulled into a small pony tail ready to train. 

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