Love Potion - Part 2 - Shidge.

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"Why are you hiding from me" Shiro asked as he sat in one of the castle hallways, his back to the wall as he glanced to the vent gate in the ceiling that hid Pidge behind. He would trying going in after her but he was too big for the vents and he couldn't cut her down before of the metal wall stronger then his galran arm. 

"Becuase your not my Shiro" Pidge answered, she knew she was safe where she was and won't make a rookie mistake of moving to somewhere else just becuase Shiro sat under.

"Yes I am" Shiro argued back.

"No, YOU are not. Your not my shiro, not my leader nor my friend. Your the infection that took over his brain and made him someone I don't like. I much rather have my shiro back but you won't let me" Pidge huffed back, crossing her arms as she laid on her back, not caring if she couldn't see the love shiro face.

"What makes me and him so different, I'm willing to love and cherish you till death. He see's you as his friend little sister" Shiro huffed back, not be able to see the hurt of the green paladin face.

"Takashi is kind, he cares for others more then he cares for himself even if getting himself hurt means someone else could be happy he would gladly take the pain. He smarter then we give him credit for but he not book smart, he people smart. He can be funny sometimes but serious when needed and he makes sure no one is ever left out. He rather handsome and strong, he knows it and uses it to help save the day but he won't brag over it .. he just knows his strength and weakness. He has a nice smile, one that can make anyone smile and feel safe while he close. He a good guy with a great heart that deserves true love not fake love. He doesn't deserve to be forced to love me over a silly potion I picked up without knowing it. So, if you truly love me like you think you do, please tell me how to help him. I much rather be the little sister in his eyes and see him love with his own heart then to have him love me without a choice" Pidge replied in a soft voice, rolling on to her side as she glanced threw the vents gate, meeting with Shiro eyes that didn't seem as gentle as they normally were. 

"Seems like you love him, won't you enjoy me loving you" Shiro short back, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

"I much rather see a true smile on his lips then a forced one" Pidge answered with a soft smile. 

"Well, you can't save him anyway without true love" Shiro grinned as he stood up, standing directly under the vent fate while Pidge eyes widen.

"What are you talking about, we both know that stuff bullshit" Pidge hissed back, glaring threw the vent gate gaps.

"True, for the human race its bullshit that told to children to help ease the cruelty of the world while the young. But you've notice most aliens races marry for real love or have life time mates meaning true love is very real to them. To cure an alien curse of fake love then you must have a true love" Shiro answered with a smirk as Pidge filled with horror. 

"How are we meant to find Shiro true love in the middle of a space war" Pidge yelled annoyed.

"Who knows but I do know that at some point, you have to come down from that vent to eat, shower, when voltron needed and if you don't I'll find out how the others drop things off to you and sneak in like that ... I think we both know I can wait you out" Shiro smirked, slight danger in his eyes as he looked to her. 

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