Soulmates - Kidge, Shatt, Hance,Romura.

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Kidge - Keith x Pidge. (Keith is not galran)

Shatt - Shiro x Matt.

Hance - Hunk x Lance.

Romura - Romelle x Allura.

(Warning .. long ass chapter ahead.. Words = 6146)

"This is a horrible Idea" Hunk huffed out as he was pulled along by his wrist by his one and only best friend Pidge Gunderson, a 'male' student in the garrison but after reading her diary when they were bunked together in her first year .. turns out she a chick. Hunk told her out of guilt and they made a system in their shared room, they also had a bin and a small cupboard in their shared joint bathroom so it made that time of mouth less awkward for them both. 

"You think any rules breaking is a bad idea, But sometimes they work out like that one time when we thought we heard the fire alarm but was still standing in Iverson office waiting to be yelled out .. I dragged you out and turned out there was a fire .. its just like that time" Pidge answered without much care as she dragged him into the desert.

"You know, My mama was already scared a horrible murderer would be the death of me .. I wonder if she meant you" Hunk sighed and Pidge raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"Hunk, we only going to check out an alien ship that crashed and only have an hour before the garrison comes out and takes it. If I waste this hour trying to trick you into joining me then I might actually kill you. So, either turn back or join me .. who knows our soulmates could be aliens" Pidge sighed and glanced to her left hip hidden by her clothes where her soul mark was hidden. 

"Maybe, I always felt like my soulmate was never on earth .. you think I'll find them" Hunk asked unsure and Pidge looked to him, finally letting his wrist go.

"I don't know, I don't understand the power of a soulmate but maybe. I'm sure they waiting for you somewhere out there" Pidge smiled sweetly, putting a hand on his arm and Hunk smiled back.

"Thanks Pidge, now lets go find your family" Hunk smiled and Pidge nodded before they quickly walked  the rest of the way.

The two soon made it to a ditch made into the sand and found a grey ship with a dark red symbol glowing on the sides. Hunk quickly hiding behind pidge, holding her shoulders as she stood at the edge, ready to slip down if Hunk tight grip wasn't keeping her hovered over the edge. 

"Hunk .. I actually need you to drop me" Pidge sighed never thinking she would actually have to say that in her life.

"What if its dangerous" Hunk asked with fear and tighten his grip without thinking.

"Its an alien ship .. high chances whatever inside either wants to kill us without mercy or wants to make peace .. now drop me so I can find out" Pidge mumbled and soon the ship hissed making Hunk jump and let his friend shoulder go making her yelp as she slid down her feet banging against the side of the ship as she reached the bottom.

"Ouch" Pidge groaned before standing up.

"Are you ok" Hunk asked with concern.

"I'm alive" Pidge called back and walked over to the ship front or what she guessed was the front as a ramp started to lower.

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