A Vampire little Human - Plance.

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(I know the pic says a bit of Klance but I'm just using it for the Plance Oneshot. I don't know where the rest of the story is, I just found it on a Facebook page without any name)

A sixteen year old women, married to a man her parents picked out for her to be a good wife and a great mother to his children. She was smart, her mouth unpleasant to most but she could never be her true self. 

She lived in a time when man ruled and a women only duty was to be a wife and a mother to men children. 

They must not speak their minds, acts to their hearts content and be nothing more then a mindless slave to her husband. 

Of course, most women accepted their fate when they were children knowing once they hit the awful age of eight they would have to dress as a lady, act as a lady and be a lady. 

From ten years onwards they must be the perfect lady, either from a lady of money or as a working lady they would have learned to be mindless dolls. 

Make up, neat hair and dresses.

Sure the rich would dress more fancy and doll like while the working maids would dress more simply but still a women job was to marry and give birth to children. 

The same for the sixteen year old, as soon as her sixteenth birthday came she was given to a man who offered the most gain to the holt household. 

Her secret nights of reading her father books or tilting in his lab when he was out would no longer be an option for her. She would have to give away the last of her soul as she became a faithful wife. 

She never loved the man, he married her for her name and money not for her love. He wanted a hand into the holts and he had it now thanks to her hand in marriage. Of course he kept faithful, he knew how smart the holts were and a simple unfaithfulness would ruin him forever. Even if it meant letting their daughter drown with him to keep the shame hidden. 

She never liked being a wife, her eyes landing to the shops owners or workers, sure wife's would help out but never owned the place themselves. A simple mistake even by the husband doing and the wife would be blamed for it, some just being yelled out but more got a beating as well.  

She wondered what it would be like to own her own shop, to work freely without her gender keeping her chained as a prisoner to man. 

Maybe she should have just given up her mind like her brother warned, he knew his sister thought differently as he did. He wasn't a cruel man and even wanted his sister to one day stand over men as she ruled her own fate but both knew the day would never come once puberty hit her. 

A rare beauty she was, a rare beauty trapping her fate to be just a women forever. 

Maybe that why the vampire chose her, followed her home as he never saw such a rare pretty hazel eyes that had a slight fire lit within them. Her long soft hazel hair that would seem golden in the sun light. Her fair skin filled with cute freckles she was forced to hid with make up making most see her glow in beauty not knowing she had freckles hidden. Her body slim and curvy while her bumps weren't too small nor too big just right to add to her charm. 

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