A House Secrets - Kidge.

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(Any long time Readers must be sick of this song by now but I just love it. Sorry not Sorry, this is just my baby now).

His violet eyes glanced to her as she walked past, her tight skirt ending just above her knees but while it was tight enough to stop the wind from blowing it up it also wasn't tight enough to stop her from walking with ease. Her short sleeve white shirt was tucked into her skirt as her top button left undone while a green and grey striped tie hanged loosely. Her house cloak wasn't in sight but then normally only first years actually wear their cloaks until they realised they can just ditch the things that catch one anything and everything while dragging them behind. 

Her fair skin covered in adorable freckles he just wished he could kiss. Her soft short hazel hair ending at her shoulders he just wanted to run his fingers threw. Her bright pretty hazel eyes seemed to sparkle with wonder as she read the book in her small hands. Cute freckles over her cheeks and nose hidden by her brother old round nerdy glasses, her only could luck charm he knew was important to her. She may have been small but he knew she was smart. 

Leaning forward as he wrapped his pale arms around her waste, pulling her close while the halls only filled by them. Smirking as he notice her smile knowing it was him just by his warmth. Pushing his lips to her cheek, giving her a sweet kiss before watching as she closed her book turning to him. Her small arms wrapping around his torso and placing her head on his chest enjoying listening to his heartbeat. 

Her eyes remembering the image of him. Short but still taller then her and held strength. He was a fighter and a good one at that. Skin as pale as the dead but he always seemed to just glow in her eyes even with his scar over his right cheek. Silky black in the shape of a mullet that she always found rather sexy. Beautiful violet eyes that she was sure held galaxies. He was just so hot and he was all hers. 

He wore his tight black school trousers with his long sleeves white shirt, the sleeves pulled back to his elbows. His shirt top button undone like her and his tie hanged loosely as well. Black leather fingerless gloves on his hand, an image that the whole school learned him by. 

But there was one problem, he wore a red and yellow stripe tie. The colours of her house rival, they were rivals and should be hating each other yet they just couldn't hate each other. They hated how much they loved the other. 

"I missed you" He whispered, looking into her eyes as he hands stayed place on her hips while her hands were on his shoulders. 

"Well I wasn't the one who got detention for punching a student when we were meant to sneakily meet up" She teased back giving his shoulders a slight squeeze as he chuckled.

"Not my fault James a jerk and he was talking shit over someone important to me, he got what he deserved" He answered without any regret, she was his and he wouldnt let anyone harm or ever talk low of her. 

"Thank you for saving my pride but I could have slapped him myself" She smiled, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips. 

"Well maybe I wanted to be a gentlemen for once" He teased back, kissing her back feeling her giggle fill his mouth slightly. 

"Good Luck today" She smiled softly, her left moving to his scar cheek.

"I'm going to win no matter how much Lotor cries" He grinned hearing her giggle once more.

"Well my house isn't as weak as you think but seeing Lotor cry might be worth the lost" She replied with a cheeky grin and he chuckled.

"Maybe" He hummed amused.

"Just one more year" She smiled sweetly, her thumb stroking his cheek feeling him lean into her touch.

"One more year and I can tell the world your all mine and mine alone. No more hiding or sneaking around, You'll be mine and we step on the train one last time in each other others ties showing our forbidden love" Keith promised with pride, sliding his hands slightly higher to her sides. The love in his eyes never changing over the two years their secret relationship started.

"I can't wait" She smiled brightly, her eyes shining in slight excitement.

"I love you Katie" He whispered with a gentle smile, his eyes turning warm just for her. 

"I love you Keith" She mutter with a warm smile, love in her eyes that only and ever will look at him. 



"Seems we being hunted down" He sighed as they stepped away from each other knowing their own house friends would be arriving soon.

"I'm looking forward when we tell those two our secret" She grinned placing a hand on her hip.

"So am I but I have a feeling Hunk might end up like our brothers" Keith replied hearing her giggle.

"Yes Shiro and Matt reactions last year once they finished their Hogwarts experience was rather funny to see as we told them on the way home. Who knew Matt and Shiro could cry so much over us getting together, they really did ship us from the start" She smiled and he chuckled at the memory.

"Well, until thequidditch  match. I'll make sure to send a cheeky wink towards you but will you stand in the stands or behind the bars of the pitch" He mumbled rubbed his neck a little embarrassed for asking.

"In the stands, just so I can have a better view as you fly past" She smirked with rosy cheeks and he just gave a goofy grin at her answer.

"Pidge" Lotor huffed as he turned the corner finding the two glaring like truly hated rivals who bumped into each other in the halls.

"There you are mullet" Lance grumbled as he stormed over to his fellow house member. 

"Something wrong" Keith asked with a frown as he looked to the taller Gryffindor member.

"Urr the team cheer ... We gonna miss it lets go" Lance replied and grabbed Keith arm ready to drag him along.

"Clearly children" Lotor mumbled as he stood beside his right hand women who just giggled before nodding in agreement.

"Lets go before we lose any brain cells" She spoke up, her fellow Slytherin member nodding in agreement.

"We be pulling those sticks out of your rear ends once we win the match" Lance yelled back earning the two to stop and glance over their shoulders with slight smirks and raised eyebrows.

"We'll see, wouldnt we Mr chaser" She grinned before walking on.

"Say it when you play it" He answered hearing her giggle.

"My seeker wouldnt lose to the likes of you" Lotor mused back, feeling Keith glare on him as the two walked away.

"Yikes Slytherin are such a bitch" Lance frowned as he crossed his arms.

"Hmm" He hummed as he eyes stayed on a certain cute ass that seemed to wiggle a little as she turned the corner making him smirk. 

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