Murder and Twins - Shidge.

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"What are you doing" Shiro asked as he stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning on the doorframe while he looked to three of his fellow paladins dragging the last paladin knocked out body.

"We going to shoot Keith out to space" Pidge answered as her eyes met with Shiro while he lifted an eyebrow. 

"Didn't we all agree not to murder any paladins while on the castle" Shiro sighed as he pinched his nose. 

"We not gonna kill him, we'll gonna put his paladin suit on along with helmet before shooting him out. The red lion will pick him up after Pidge cools down" Lance replied like it was the most obvious plan. 

"Katie" Shiro frowned as he looked to his girlfriend, both agreeing to wait to get married back on earth leaving them as a couple. 

"Shiro I am eight months pregant with twins who enjoy kicking about whenever I try to relaxed .. your semi brother called me a hippo more then once, Either he gets shoot out of the castle or both of you get shoot out" Pidge warned with a slight growl as she glared towards her other half.

"At least put a tracker on him, not even red will go collect him if he made you upset .. the lions care for pregnancy moods remember" Shiro answered knowing there was no stopping her and he has warned Keith to be more careful with his words around her.

"Good choice" Pidge grinned before glancing back to the still knocked out Keith before grabbing his arm to pull him along.

"So .. why didn't you stop two stop Keith or her from trying to kill him" Shiro asked as Hunk and Lance grabbed a leg each.

"Shiro, no one is going to save Keith from Pidge .. not even Voltron could stop her .. you think we would have a chance. Plus we did warn Keith to not call her as a hippo, now we just helping to hide the body like good friends" Hunk explained with a small smile and the three started dragging Keith away towards the air lock down the hall.

"Love you" Pidge called back sweetly and Shiro just gave a nervous chuckle. 

"I better warn Allura not to fly too far until Keith wakes up" Shiro sighed and pushed himself from the door before stopping as he heard footsteps heading towards him.

"Move it paladin .. we gotta get these to Keith before they threw him out" Coran yelled in panic as he ran past with Keith armour.

"We on a time limit with these and we not facing the green paladin wrath again" Allura cried out as she ran past with the helmet.

"I really hope the twins turn out more like me .. I can't handle anymore of her wrath either" Shiro muttered to himself as he walked towards the training room just pretending he didn't know that the others planned to throw Keith out to space until Pidge forgives him.

One Week Later ...

"Shiro .. can you tame that hippo of a girlfriend of yours, she shot me" Keith grumbled as he entered the lounge where the other males paladins sat resting and leaving Pidge to happy to nap while the twins were finally clamed within her stomach. 

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