The Gangster Wife - JamesxPidge.

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A Gang war was never a happy event for anyone but what made it worse, families were in as much danger as the gangsters. 

They at a higher rick when their love one is a gang leader/boss and is the latest target. 

Lotor Galran, the boss of the gang Galra who was ruling the city out of fear and greed. No one was safe, not even those who joined the game because the strong lived while the weak died. 

Lotor at first showed promised to make the gang a better one, to make the city free from their chained fate of living in fear until they died. To stop children and teens along with elderly being killed on the streets for just being in the way or being in the wrong place and the wrong time. To have parents not forced to work over time just to pay enough for the protection feed that didn't really protect them but got the gang to not kill them that week. They could still be mugged or attacked, just the gangsters that lived nearby wouldn't kill them. 

But he changed, he grew to love the power and have control over everyone. A single word from him was like gods words. 

He lose his good nature and enjoyed the greed and power, letting the city stay ruthless once more. 

But he was rumoured to have a wife, a son as well with a women known as Katie Holt. Well Katie Galran, their son Rover being only six now and not understanding the cruel world. 

But Katie was smart, she had a future and she hardly ever saw her lover at home. He didn't even noticed when she got a second house with her own money earned by hard work, moving into a two bedroom house just with her son and their pet cat green. Her lover never came on, never called or even took notice of her and their son making her bring up their son alone. 

She gave him love and cherished him, letting her son know he could be anyone and anything when he grows up. Holding him close as he cries over not being able to make friends or being bullied by older children. She let him know he was perfect just the way he was and she would always be proud of who he was. 

So, that when she filled with fear as a stranger came busting threw her front door one late night, Rover in his pjs now going to be put to bed and they stood half way on the stairs. 

She grabbed her son, carrying him as she ran into her bedroom. Locking the door she placed on in case they ever had something coming breaking in. She ran to the window, sliding it open before rolling down a rope ladder she hid under he bed. Telling her son to go down and hide in the place she told him until she came and got him. To run to his uncle house if she didn't come by morning and kissing his cheek just in case she never saw him again. 

Turning as the bedroom door was shot up before the stranger stepping, she stood in front of the window glaring, ready to waste time for her son to escape. 

"Are you Katie" He asked, placing his hand gun back in his thigh strap, he was dressed in black jeans with a brown fabric belt. A grey polo top and an old worn white bandana around his face while he looked to her.

"For someone who broke into my house, I think you know who I am" Katie snapped back, crossing her arms over her stomach. She was twenty six years old, in no gangs and working as a science teacher just to make money for her and her son to live. She was short for a women but still had all the right curves and bumps. Fair skin with cute freckles dotted over her cheeks and nose. Short soft hazel hair ending at her shoulders to keep it out of her way in the science lab with the students. Bright pretty hazel eyes that had a fire lit within them. 

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