Her Baby - Kidge.

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"Come on buddy, its just bath time .. you like baths remember" Keith tried to baby talk Cosmo who stood in the middle of hanger just staring at the shirtless Keith who was slowly walking towards him in hopes to catch him.

"Why is he being so difficult" Lance asked with an amused grin, he and the MFE pilots have been watching Keith for the past five minutes trying to catch Cosmo who kept teleporting around the hanger. 

"Gotcha" Keith yelled as he jumped at his space wolf who just teleported once again behind Keith, standing there rather smug. 

"And another fail, this is rather fun to watch buts its kinda getting a little sad now" James spoke up from where he stood with his arms crossed.

"I didn't ask for you guys to watch" Keith grumbled back as he spun round trying to catch Cosmo just for the wolf to teleport beside Lance who fussed the wolf. 

"Well we didn't have much of a choice, you wolf teleported a shirtless guy in the MFE hanger randomly while we were checking over the jets with Lance noticing anything we noticed down for us" Ryan shot back as he looked over the tablet of notes Lance noted down for them as they yelled out issues or worries for their jets after their last fight. 

"Why are you shirtless, not complaining but Veronica gonna be jealous she missed this sight. Not saying I prefer him over you my wonderful boyfriend" Nadia asked with a slight grin before turning to Ryan and wrapping her arms around his making sure he won't get jealous over her comment. 

"Most likely she watching with the Atlas cameras, won't be the first time" Ina added on as the other MFE piolets and lance nodded in agreement since Veronica did use her job in the Atlas control room to spy threw the cameras. 

"I was carrying him to the baths after he got whatever Sal was cooking in his fur. Since he likes his bath time and splashes about to play with whoever baths him a little, I took my unifrom jacket/top off but he teleported me here while once I reached my joint bathroom door" Keith explained, placing his hands on his hips as he looked to his wolf who sat well behaved by the others and panting happily.

"Maybe he doesn't want to bath just yet, I mean don't you normally bath him in the evenings not midday" Lance replied as he turned back to Keith, Cosmo no longer wanting a head pat from him.

"I bath him at any time of day, whenever I'm Free if I'm being honest so he doesn't have a set time. If he dirty then he gets bathed" Keith answered as he steadily walked towards the others trying not to spook Cosmo.

"Why don't you just give in, he clearly doesn't want to be bathed right now and well as much fun as it was watching you get beaten by your space wolf .. its not enjoyable seeing you shirtless right now. Go get dressed already, your not everyone type" James frowned as he looked to Keith who rolled his eyes.

"I didn't go shirtless for others enjoyment, I was just trying to bath Cosmo" Keith huffed back slightly annoyed. 

"Well either way I think certain soldiers and employers on the atlas will being thankful over you being shirtless. Rumours states that you are one of the most lusted after men on the Atlas. Many would love to be screwed by you it seems" Ina spoke up, holding up a finger as she told the fact she learned making the room slightly awkwardly.

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