Your my Heaven - Plance.

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A ghost rumour ..

That how it started for Lance McClain. 

A ghost rumour within the Garrison base that he overheard.

A girl, a fifteen year old girl trapped within the garrison base long before it was ever built and stayed hidden away somewhere.

He kept an ear out but never went looking for such a ghost, he knew to leave the dead alone. 

But she found him anyway, sitting on the roof glancing to the skies as he came to star gaze as his roommate Hunk snore the room down. 

At first, he thought she was just a silly cadet who walked out in a nightgown without any jacket but then he moved closer. 

Skin as white as the dead as a cold deadly chill leaked from her. 

Dull hazel eyes.

Knotty and shamefully cut hazel hair ending at her shoulders. 

Freckles dotted over her cheeks and nose with blood stains splashed over them.

Bruises over her arms and legs while she stood in an old fashion night grown. 

"Murder" He asked, just looking at the sight she was left to walk eternity as.

"And rape by pirates who took what they decided they owned" She answered in a cold but soft voice as her eyes landed on him. 

"And you've been trapped here since" He spoke carefully, not wanting to be haunted forever but wanting to know her pain.

"I was killed here, dragged by them and kept for days as their play thing. Cutting my hair that they sold for extra cash before turning their swords and knifes on me for fun .. I didn't die by the blade but by being forgotten within the cellar. Tied up and left to die all alone like this" She sighed, turning her eyes back to the sky.

"Why not move on" He muttered, slowly sitting beside her and letting his hang over the side.

"Heaven won't take a sin women and Hell wouldn't take me over a ruthless death. Pity in other words, I wasn't sinful enough for hell but my body tainted too much for Heaven .. now I'm trapped forever here" She mumbled, swaying her legs over the edge a little.

"So, you can't move on" He replied in slight defeat, he couldn't just leave her now he found her even if he wasn't looking for her at first.

"Rebirth but I have to have a strong connection to be reborn, my family are long dead and my body nothing more then dust. No one sees me and those who do just fear me before running, how can I become attached to something enough to want to live again" She explained with ease, glanced down to soldiers trying to sneak back into the garrison base after sneaking out for fun. 

"How about me" He offered like an idiot making her turn to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Your not my type" She frowned, turning away as he sulked slightly.

"Yeesh, sorry for not being good enough as an interest but I meant as a friend anyway" He grumbled back, crossing his arms. 

"I can't change my form, I died and was left like this. Could you live the rest of your life looking at me while seeming like a crazy person who talks to thin air" She warned, turning her head to him. 

"I don't really know but I'll feel guilty if I walked away now" He sighed in slight shame. 

"I had someone I hoped to marry, he wasn't my type either but he was a good man who made me smile and laugh every single day. When the privates were spotted, firing canons at our town instead of protecting his family he came looking for me .. he found me with the most frighten expression I've ever seen and he pulled me into the tightest hug he ever gave me as relief filled his body from seeing me alive" She smiled sweetly, her hands left in her lap as she remembered her own life.

"Tell me about him" He asked with a small smile, he knew by the smile on the girl lips that he was special even after all this passing time.

"He was an idiot, I mean it. A huge goof that would always get on my nerves but that cheeky grin of his would easily make me smile with him. He had bad jokes and awful flirts be he was truly a charmer by how kind he was. He would always smile or laugh, it was like the angels blessed him to always shine brighter then the sun whenever he smiled or laugh. And how he could read people, he always knew how to change a room mode without even trying to but that what made him so great. He was a great man with a caring heart that deserved all the richest in the world yet he was happy with his family farm he'll one day take over. He was pleased with his life as long as he got to see me and well I fell in love with this boy who was just a year older then me. Marriage seemed like a wonderful dream as long as he would be my husband and he was going to be" She smiled warmly, her eyes turning soft and brighten up a little showing how golden they truly were long ago.

"You still love him" He asked with a gentle smile, he hoped that one day he'll find someone who thinks like him the way she does to her old lover.

"I do, I love him with all my heart even now" She answered without even needing to think over it.

"Then why not live again for him" He asked with a slight frown as he noticed her smile sadden.

"I watched him die, he took my hand and ran trying to get me safety as the privates reached the dock. I was still rather short compared to him, a lanky tree is what I use to call him when we first met. But the canon fire had many cottages and buildings destroyed over the thin paths and the one to the woods became an dead end by the old inn that laid destroyed" She started to say, a sadden smile on her lips as tears filled her eyes but couldn't fall. 

"How did he die" He shakily asked, shivering as a chilly wind blew past but he knew it was by her not the weather.

"He tried climbing over, offering his hand to me to help me climb over but a single pistol shot was heard .. the blood over my cheeks was his as he fell with a hole in his chest. He died with being the women he loved and was trying to safe but I died being someone I hoped to never be again. I can't let my feelings for him be the reason I choose to live again, not while I'm like this ..tainted in ways that would make him cry and never be able to look at me again, he would have blamed himself for not being strong enough to save me and I could not live like that" She replied, pulling her legs up and hugging her knees to her chest. 

"He loved you, it was clear that he did. Yes, he may have blamed himself at first but he would be happy to have you alive. Why keep him waiting by staying hidden away in the after life, why not take a chance and return to him. I'm sure he's waiting for you" He spoke up with slight hope, turning his head to look at her.

"Why are you crying" She asked making the young teen before her freeze before feeling his cheeks and noticing he was crying.

"I-I don't know" He answered in shock, more tears leaving his eyes.

"I do" She smiled, turning back to the sky.

"Why" He asked slightly desperate to know why tears left his eyes.

"Because you never asked for my soon to be husband name" She answered with a slight smirk. 

"W-What was his name" He shakily asked, slight fear in his eyes.

"I think you know his name, no matter how many times he lives again he always returns to me and ends up crying without knowing it. But he always wonders why I haven't moved on yet" She smiled softly, standing up and holding her hands behind her back.

"Why don't you move on" He whispered making her glance to him.

"Becuase Your My Heaven" 

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