Second Prince - Part 3 - Shidge.

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"Why?" Pidge asked as the second prince stood before her, undoing her ankle chains and pulling out the long join chain to the metal cuffs on her wrists, ready to put new cuffs on.

"I don't believe in unneeded killing, I never have. I know my brother is in the wrong and all I can do is to try and give you a chance to speak with him. As long as you promise to stay close to me, I can get you a visit with my brother but you must behave" Shiro answered as he started unclicking the cuffs that kept her staying to the wall.

"Wha- Why didn't you say you were injured or in pain" Shiro breathed out in shock before concern filled his eyes as he soon removed both spiked cuffs and looking to her bleeding wrists.

"Don't expect me to go crying to you for anything, you may have gained my friends medical treatment but your still my enemy" Pidge scoffed back, pulling her arms away from his gentle hold. 

"My brother is ... he wasn't always a bad man. But he holds a great means of power while I don't, until my father returns we stuck with him as ruler" Shiro sighed, running a hand threw his hair as he glanced away from her.

"He wiped out clans because he felt threatened by them, he slaughtered so many and yet he holds no punishment for his crime. He may be your brother but he a murder in my eyes" Pidge snapped back, her hands turning into tight fists to control her anger. 

"I know, I don't blame you for hating me for being a royal as well but please, I never wanted these crimes to happen. I only want to help my people from my brother cruelty, I'm offering you a chance to speak with my brother and maybe help his realise what his actions has caused. Help him see the effects of his evil ways and help him become a kinder man or only wishes to repent for his passed actions" Shiro pleaded slightly, his hands gripping his untucked tunic a little as he rushed over to her cell once he heard his brother would have an hour free, he himself should still be doing his work out but he knew this was more important. 

"I'll speak with him, I won't promise to be kind or play nice with him but I'll be no true threat. Your risking your own head for this chance and I owe you for saving my men lives, this is how I shall repay you" Pidge answered, looking to Shiro who looked to her surprised before smiling.

"Thank you, Katie" Shiro smiled gentle, his eyes sweet and kind as he looked to her as Pidge eyes grew wide over him knowing her name and soon a blush filled her cheeks.

"D-Don't lower your guard towards an enemy, I can stolen your sword by now if I was a ruthless killer" Pidge stuttered back, turning her head away to hide her blush and point to his loosely buckled belt that held his sword, clearly put on as he ran in a hurry.

"Oh right, well since you didn't cut me down where I stood. I won't put these cuffs on you, a mutual respect for those who hold their men lives in their hands" Shiro smiled and just dropped the cuffs to the ground without much care before stepping out the cell. 

"You do know, you only have two hours left before I make my escape" Pidge reminded as she stepped out of the cell, glancing both ways as she took in the dead end the exit.

"Ah, you weren't kidding over giving me twenty four hours before escaping. Well then, I better hurry before you give me a bad name" Shiro grinned and lead the way, keeping his eyes forward and having no fear over her making a run for it or trying to slash him down while his back turned. 

"Your way too trusting of others" Pidge commented, looking in every cell as they passed in hope to find her friends.

"Pidgey!" Lance voice cried out in relief as he ran over to his cell bars, a single chain around his right ankle with the other end of the chain hooked on the wall.

"Pidge, what's happening. Are you okay? Where is he taking you?" Keith yelled out in slight panic and worry for his shorter friend who was more like family to him now. A chain around his left ankle that joint to a weight ball stopping him from moving as much.

"I'll be fine but more importantly, how are you both. Did they do anything? Are you hurt? Did you make a friend in the cells? How cell life?" Pidge shot back, a playful smirk on her lips making her friends chuckle over her later questions.

"Oooh, I just love cell life. I met a new friend, I'm calling him Bill. He a little on the silent and heavy side but we get along well" Keith answered with his own cheeky smirk as he glanced to the ball to his chain as Pidge giggled.

"We fine Pidgin, since waking up no one came near us. We've been fed and given clean water by the second prince himself, he also makes sure our wounds haven't gotten infected. I want might to kidnap name him and become his wife soon" Lance grinned, hanging his arms out the cell bars as he looked to the two.

"He has?" Pidge asked surprised and turned to Shiro who gave a shy smile.

"I may not hold much of a helping hand towards you since you are my brother prized prisoner right now but your friends, they fall under my responsibly" Shiro answered, rubbing his neck a little embarrassed over being caught.

"Thank you, I'll try real hard to keep my word now" Pidge smiled softly, gratitude and softness in her eyes as she looked to the second prince who just stared at her.

"Invite me to the wedding, Bill can be my plus one" Keith smiled as he raised a playful eyebrow to the two making Shiro quickly blush before turning around once more.

"One hour, fifty minutes until we escape" Pidge mumbled as Shiro shoulders shrank a little.

"You really are counting down to that promise" Shiro sighed and started walking again.

"Get yourself a man, steal him if you must it's what you do best" Lance yelled out from his cell earning Pidge to turn and bite her thumb as him before running to catch up with the second prince. 

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