happy holidays.

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Jongho hadn't seen Yeosang since his birthday. He felt like a mad man, calling him every single day, texting him even though he knew his number was blocked on Yeosang's phone. He even cleaned the apartment to Yeosang's standards. But it was a day before Christmas and no contact from Yeosang. He woke up one morning to see a familiar face snoring into the sheets with his pink hair sticking out every which way. "Yeonjun. Get up." Jongho said in a blunt voice. He and Yeonjun had been sleeping together for awhile. "Hmmmm~ Good morning to you too." Yeonjun looked at the clock and walked out of the bed. "See ya." Yeonjun mumbled, getting dressed and running out of the apartment. Jongho's phone rang and he answered it like speed. "Hello?" He said. "Hi Jongho. It's Wooyoung. I haven't heard from you in a while and I was hoping you could come over for Christmas tomorrow if you're not doing anything." Jongho almost frowned at not hearing that Yeosang might've been there, "Yeah I would love to come. At what time?" "We're having dinner at 7pm, but you can come over anytime." "Okay, then I'll be there by 6:30pm." "Okay, bye! Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"So?" Wooyoung smiled widely at Yeosang and nodded his head. "He's definitely coming." Wooyoung said. Yeosang sighed and downed the rest of his wine with a tiny grin on his face.

Jongho took a thirty minute shower before getting ready. He brushed his teeth and shaved the little bit of stubble he had growing on his face and styled his hair back. After that he put in the studs in his ears that Yeosang had bought him a while back and a nice white dress shirt with tight fitting pants and dress shoes. He looked at him in the mirror and then looked at the clock. 6:15pm... He thought to himself. He grabbed his helmet and keys, running out.

Jongho knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. The door opened. "Who are you?" They asked. Jongho looked shocked to see Yeosang's ex fiance staring at him bluntly. "I'm Yeosang's roommate, he invited me." Jongho said, shoving Taehyun aside and walking into the house. He heard Taehyun laugh from behind him. "How can he be your roommate if we live together? And I know he didn't invite you, he fucking hates you." "Hey! Taehyun! How about you shut your shit filled mouth and go get Jongho a glass of wine, yeah!?" Wooyoung screamed, pulling Jongho into the dining room. "Sorry about-" "Do him and Yeosang live together?" Jongho asked, staring at Wooyoung. "Well, only temporarily, just until he finds his own-" "He has his own fucking apartment! With fucking me! If Taehyun is here does that mean Yeosang is too!?" "Oh Jongho, you haven't even been here thirty seconds and you're already screaming over me."

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