i'm off like a dirty shirt

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Eating cupcakes while watching Pretty In Pink with your roommate isn't a date. Right? It wasn't this time, Yeosang made sure of that. "These are pretty good, never thought you would be the type to bake." Jongho grinned and took another bite of the cupcake. "Thank you." "Oh, oh, oh! This is my favorite part!" The part where Molly Ringwald D.I.Yd her own dress. "I'm gonna be real with you, the dress was ugly before and afterwards." "So then, why's it your favorite part?" "The satisfaction of the cutting and sewing, it's weird but true." Jongho shrugged. "I've never seen this, so this'll be my favorite part too." Yeosang giggled and immediately smacked his hand over his mouth. "Well that was cute." "Don't fucking start." Yeosang said. "I won't lie about something so obvious." "Are you trying to flirt with me?" "Not trying to, I am." "You are bold Choi Jongho." "I'm just trying to win your heart Kang Yeosang." Yeosang almost choked on the sip of water he had just taken. "Wait, what?" "You heard me, I already told you I liked you." "So all this shit was to fuck me again?" "No, no, no. Please don't put words in my mouth. I-I just, I know I don't have a chance with you...for now..." "I know I should've forgiven you, but if we're being honest. I don't." Lie. "And I never want to be in a relationship with you." Lie. "And I want you to just stop, stop treating me like this." Lie. "I don't know how else I should treat you," "Treat me like air, you'll know I'm here but you just don't acknowledge me." Yeosang shrugged and got up from the couch. "Don't take it personally, I just don't date people who hurt me." Now that, was just being unreasonable or was it? But, Yeosang was a stubborn bitch, and just didn't want to forgive Jongho, even if he did deserve forgiveness.

Jongho did as Yeosang requested, he stopped the romantic encounters, he stopped the daily conversations, and he was out a lot more. Yeosang didn't care, nope. It was a relief for him. It was like he didn't even have a roommate, just like how he wanted from day one. But, Yeosang did feel like a dick for telling Jongho off that way.

Yeosang came home one night to see Jongho, clinking wine glasses with some random girl. "Yeosang. Eunbi, this is my roommate Yeosang, Yeosang this is Eunbi, my girlfriend." Yeosang hung his coat on a hook. "How long have you been dating her?" He asked, scanning the woman up and down with his eyebrow raised. "We've been dating for a year, I went away for school, and now I'm back." Eunbi said, giving Yeosang the same judgmental eye. Yeosang couldn't help but smirk. "Funny you say that, because just a few weeks ago I fucked him. So, please Eunbi, tell me how loyal Choi Jongho really is." Jongho sipped the rest of the wine effortlessly, filling the glass back up. "Bullshit, he would never. Right Jongho?" Eunbi blinked oh so innocently. "Another question for you Eunbi, does he ever hit you?" A hint of confusion was in her eyes. "Never ever, why on earth would you think that?" "Cause he came home drunk one night and hit me." Eunbi scoffed. "So? You're a man, you share the same amount of strength as him. Didn't you fight back?" "Yeah, of course, I left for three days, came back, and he was all romantic with me." "I don't believe you." She almost sounded like she was gonna laugh. "Jongho, tell him he's delusional." Yeosang crossed his arms over his chest. Jongho's eyes flicked left and right between them. "Eunbi, I was drunk when I had sex with him. And- and, I know for a fact you didn't stay loyal. I bet you that you slept with someone the first night in Busan." Eunbi snarled at Jongho, looking offended and disgusted. "Don't be stupid, I never did anything with anyone. But now I know that you cheated on me with some whore for all I know!" Yeosang walked up to Eunbi and smacked the mascara right of of her. "Listen you little bitch, I'm no whore, but by the looks of you, I can tell you're not reserved for the one and only Jongho. So, I'll ask you nicely to please get the fuck out of my apartment before I pull your wig off and throw you out of my house." Eunbi held her cheek and looked like her brain was about to melt and bleed through her nose. "Go!" Yeosang yelled. Eunbi took her bag and wiped off her dress, she of course didn't forget to smack and splash the last of her wine on Jongho. "Fucking bastard, how dare you cheat on me!? I'm too good for you anyway. I hope you dick breaks off." She said, and she walked out of the apartment ever so angrily.

(a/n: ya know, my sister was watching me write this, so forgive me if it's really crappy)

(a/n: p.s, it's always crappy.)

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