meet the parents.

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"DAD?!" "Hello, Jongho."

"Why is he here?!" Jongho asked with a furious look on his face. "Boy, have you forgotten that I'm your father? And this is my house!" Everyone froze. "Now. Please respectfully greet me." The man asked, hanging his coat on a rack. "Then take the bullet out of my mother's corpse." Jongho said through gridded teeth. Yeosang put a shoulder on Jongho's shoulder. "Maybe we should go-" "No! San's not even your son! Yet you still have the audacity to come here and act like you own the place!" Jongho's father chuckled. "I do own the place, idiot." A woman walked through he door, she was pretty, maybe early 40s and she had a emerald green dress on and emerald earrings. "Siwoon, darlings you left the cake in the car-" "Who is that?!" Jongho asked, pointing to the confused looking woman. Siwoon rubbed his temples. "Thank you darling you can put it on the table where ever it is." Siwoon said. "Jongho...I really don't want to She's my fiancé, Lee Soonkyu." Jongho wheezed a bit and smacked his thigh in amusement. "WOW, okay. I'm gonna leave. Congratulations to the happy couple. Come on Yeosang, lets go." Jongho said with an angry smile and his eyes wide. "What, no Jongho don't leave." San said. "I don't want to cause any more of a scene." Jongho pulled Yeosang to the door. "Jongho, come on. You can't spend a couple hours with your father?!" Yeosang asked. Jongho sighed. "No, no I really can't." "Why??" "That's another story for another day-" "Well you can go. But I'm gonna stay here." Jongho scoffed. "Be my guest." He snatched his coat off the rack and walked out of the mansion.

"Thank you all for coming to the rehearsal dinner, can't wait to see you all again tomorrow." Wooyoung walked over to Yunho and squeezed him into a hug, then he gave San a big hug and a quick peck on the cheek. "If I don't catch your bouquet, I'm sleeping with Yunho." Wooyoung said. He saw Mingi give him a look and rolled his eyes. San laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. Wooyoung grinned and started to laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But I'm also serious." Mingi walked up to the tipsy Wooyoung. "Okay, that's enough chit chat for now. We'll see you tomorrow." The couple walked out of the door. Yeosang walked up to the two, and typed something on his phone then put it in his pocket. "I'm so excited for tomorrow, gosh this was quick.." Yunho tilted his head. "What's wrong? You look nervous?" "Ah, Jongho's not picking up his cell and I'm just worried." "Oh, well then you should get going and see if he's at home, we'll see you tomorrow." Yunho gave a hug to Yeosang, and then Yeosang left.

Yeosang walked into his apartment and he saw a few beer bottles scattered around the coffee table. "Shit...Jongho?" He walked down the hall and saw Jongho, with his head over the toilet. "Jongho!" Yeosang ran to the brunettes side and rubbed his back. "You got drunk I'm guessing." Jongho gagged a bit and nodded his head. "The worst part is I hold my alcohol in so well, ugh. Why am I so grotesque, I never want to drink again. Hide all the wine." Jongho slurred, right before taking another ten second puke in the toilet. "Do you need aspirin?" "I need you!" Jongho insisted. "You need rehab." Yeosang said, brushing some of Jongho's hair out of his face. "I'm not an alcoholic!" Jongho slouched and laid his head on Yeosang's shoulder. Jongho pouted and stared into Yeosang's eyes. "Kiss me...?" Yeosang held a hand over his mouth and gagged a bit. "Your breath smells like you ate shit. Jesus," Yeosang stood up and went a hand towel and wiped the little bit of vomit from the corners of his mouth. "Wait, so no kiss?" Jongho asked, giving Yeosang puppy eyes. "Maybe when you brush your teeth, and get a couple hundred breath mints..." Jongho huffed and laid down on the floor with his limbs sprawled out. "Let's go to bed." "Noooooooooooooo, I'm very sleepy, I have no more energy unless you give me a kiss." Yeosang groaned. "Your breath smells like puke! I'm not gonna kiss you." Jongho rolled onto his stomach and grabbed Yeosang's ankles. " want to!" Yeosang rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. "Not right now, I don't."

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