i swear to god, i do!

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After talking here and there with everyone, Yeosang went back up to the room and saw that Yunho was ready. "Ready?" Yeosang asked. "I would hope so." Yunho said confidently, ruffling his hair a bit.

Yunho was at the alter, and the rows were flowing with people. Yeosang was behind Yunho and Wooyoung was behind him, along with Mingi. That familiar song started playing. A little girl in a pink dress came running down the isle, tossing little flowers here and there, she giggled and did a little twirl making everyone coo at the girl. Yunho held his breath and Wooyoung tried his best not to squeal. Jongho walked down the isle and Yeosang felt his heart stop for a moment. Blush appeared on his face as Jongho stood next to the alter. Next, Seonghwa and Hongjoong walked down and they walked behind Jongho. Yeosang could've sworn he saw Jongho look at him, but ignored it when Gunho walked down the isle with a pillow that had the rings on it. He stood in front of Yunho. Then, the crowed rose and Yunho let out a shaky breath. Jongho's eyes narrowed he saw his father walking down the isle with San, but his heart softened when he saw the pure happiness in San's eyes. San faced Yunho at the alter and Yunho took San's hands in his own. "We gather here today in holy matrimony, to celebrate these two wonderful men's love for each other...." The priest said. "Do you take Jeong Yunho, take Choi San as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, and to cherish." "I do, I really do." Yunho said. "And do you Choi Sa-" "I swear to god, I do!" San grabbed Yunho by the neck and jumped on him, wrapping his legs around his waist and kissing him like it was the last. Yunho stumbled back a bit, but he held San up and kissed him just the same. "The rings." The priest said. San let go of Yunho and cleared his throat. "Right.." The priest smiled at San and nodded. Yunho slid a ring onto San's finger. It was gold and had a pretty diamond encrusted in the middle, then San slipped a golden ring onto Yunho finger. "Now, you may kiss the groom." The priest said. San kissed Yunho more softly, but it was maybe even more passion. "I now pronounce you, man and husband." Everyone clapped wildly and the crowd cheered.

"Alright I'm gonna throw it!" San yelled, turning his back to the crowd of woman and a few men. He tossed his bouquet behind him and heard a familiar scream. "I'm getting married next! Holy shit I'm getting married next!" The one and only Wooyoung screamed, running up to Mingi and smooching the taller male. San couldn't help but cackle when he saw the priceless look on Mingi's face. After that memorable moment, it was time for the wedding reception. There was a lot of chit chat and compliments on the catering. "Hey, you've barely touched your food, are you feeling okay?" Jongho asked Yeosang. "Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, I'm not really hungry. That's all." "Well if you don't feel good, just tell me." "Why would I do that?" "I have alka seltzer plus." Yeosang hummed and continued to play around with his food with the chop sticks. It was around 10pm and everyone was already on there way home. "Thank you so much for coming, I'm really glad you could be here Jongho." San said, hugging Jongho. "No, thank you for inviting me." Jongho said. Yunho tapped San's shoulder. "We should be on our way, we're going to Barbados for the honeymoon." Yunho said. Yeosang smirked at his best friend. "Then we shouldn't make you wait another minute, let's go Jongho." Yeosang dragged Jongho to the car and they both sat in. "I would've never imagined our two best friends would be getting married." "Yeah me neither, who knows. Maybe we'll get our lucky shot on day."

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