he's engaged?!

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~A Week Later~

Yeosang was at work so Jongho had the apartment to himself, which he never planned to do anything of course. He heard the door bell ring and opened it. "Oh, hello." Jongho said to the red head who was staring straight into his soul. "I'm Kang Taehyun, does anyone by the name Yeosang live here?" "Yes, why?" "I'm his fiance." "I'm sorry, what?" "Um, I'm his fiance, as in I'm marrying him," "Yes I know what that means- and I'm his roommate, I had no idea he had a fiance." "Well it's really none of your concern anyway." "Yes I know, but we've become...particularly close." "How so?" "Friendship wise sir, um. He's at his job right now." "Where does he work?" "Um, the local Coffee Shop." "What the place called?" "No, it's literally coffee shop." "Ah, haha, I see. Well thank you for that. Bye." "When did you propose to him?" "When he was in Pohang I proposed to him. What's it mean to you?" "Nothing, it was just a question." "Okay, well goodbye." Taehyun walked away and Jongho slammed the door. He dialed Yeosang's number and called him. By the forth ring, he picked up. "What is it Jongho, I'm working-" "You're engaged?! We had sex and you were engaged?!" "Whoa, slow the fuck down. I'm not engaged." "A Kang Taehyun says otherwise," "Oh shit." "So it's true?!" "No! I'm not engaged to anyone. Taehyun is my ex boyfriend, my father wanted me to marry him but like, he wasn't the best man. The benefit of the doubt is that I'm not engaged. You never see me with a ring anyway." Yeosang hung up.

Yeosang heard the familiar ding of a bell, implying that someone had just walked in. "What can I get for you today?" Yeosang asked, walking to the cash register. "How about you, with some of you, and and extra pump of you." Yeosang knew that voice anywhere. He made eye contact with the customer. "Oh shit." "Hello to you too Yeosang." "Taehyun why are you here?" "Your mother and father want to see you again." "I was with them for three months, theres no way in hell im going back over there." "Hyunwa is sick, again. I mean like sick sick." "I'm not stupid, you already used that and when we got there she was fine." "That was a coincidence, this time it's not." "No is no, Taehyun just leave. I came here to get away from you so just leave." "You can't kick a customer out." "I can if they're just standing there and not ordering anything." "Fine. Caramel frappuccino." Yeosang nodded and made the drink. "7000won." Taehyun handed him the money and left the shop without another word.

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