romeo, romeo, cover me in honey and suck it off with a straw.

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Jongho woke up with an unbearable headache and felt something warm up against him. He looked down to see Yeosang, snuggling up in his chest with his legs around his waist. "Was he drunk too...?" Jongho asked himself. He looked over at the clock and his eyes widened. "Yeosang! The weddings in one hour!" He sky rocketed out of the bed and dug through his closet, looking for his tux. Yeosang groaned and shoved his head into the pillow. "It's an hour we have, relax." "It takes us 45 minutes to get to the mansion! So in reality we have 15 minutes to get dressed. "I take 10 minutes to shower!" Yeosang said, jumping out of bed as well. "We don't have enough time!" "Oh hell no. You're not showing up at my best friends wedding smelling like dog shit." "We don't have enough time-" "Then lets shower together, I'm not gonna go to this shit smelling bad. Come on." Yeosang dragged Jongho to the bathroom. Yeosang let the water get piping hot before he undressed. "Uh, I actually take cold showers." Yeosang stopped in the middle of taking his pants off. "Not today, you don't." Jongho rolled his eyes and undressed as well. After a quick shower Yeosang and Jongho dried themselves off and walked back to their rooms.

Yeosang wore a regular white dress shirt with dress pants, the pants were dark grey but not black. He wore a tie and put on boots and some earrings. Jongho wore a black tux, he didn't wear a tie, instead he buttoned down the first two buttons and put in to diamond studs. He decided not to wear his nose ring, being that it was a wedding he was going to. "You look cheap, get a tie." Jongho gave Yeosang an offended look. "I look hot." "Yeah well this isn't your day to shine." Yeosang said, buttoning Jongho's shirt. "Fine. Let's go on my bike." "No. We're driving, I don't want to have helmet hair and my outfit will get crinkled." Jongho rolled his eyes. "Fine, then let's just get the hell out of here." "Finally." They walked out of the apartment and got in the car. Now driving to the mansion was faster then yesterday for some reason.

There were no cars in the driveway, strangly. "Let's go!" They ran to the door and subtly knocked on it. San opened the door, in a robe. "Guys? Why the hell are you here so early?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "I- You said to be here at 7:00?" "PM, not AM." He said. Yeosang and Jongho looked at each other. "Mother fucker." Yeosang said, walking down the front porch steps. "Uh, sorry." Jongho said. San yawned. "It's fine." He then closed the door. Yeosang sat in the passengers seat and slammed the car door shut. He reclined the seat and closed his eyes. "Want to get breakfast?" "Speak to me again and I'll smash your head into the windshield." Yeosang said, wrapping his arms around himself like a vampire in a coffin. Jongho rolled his eyes and started the car. The car drove off and Yeosang took a very much needed nap.

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