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"Thank you for flying Seoul Airlines, have a wonderful day."

The speakers said.  Yeosang tugged his suitcase behind him and ran out of the plane.   His eyes darted left and right, looking for one black haired male in particular.   Finally, he saw him and ran up to him.   He was staring down at his phone, smiling, completely ignoring the fact that his best friend of seven years was right in front of him.  

"Earth to Jung Wooyoung!"  Yeosang screamed.   Wooyoung's eyes widened and he put his phone in his pocket.   "Yeosang!"  He said.  He engulfed him in a hug, almost squeezing him to death.    "Do you understand how much I've missed you Yeosang?"    Yeosang glared at him.  "If you missed me as much as you say, then you would've been running around the airport looking for me like I was for you."     Wooyoung pouted.   "I'm sorry, some shit happened while you were gone though."   Yeosang grinned mischievously.    "Spill."    "Hyuna cheated on Yunho with Hyojong so, Yunho burned all her clothes, which in my opinion was stupid, he could've just returned em'."     Yeosang cackled.   "Little whore deserves it.   What about you?  Is there someone I need to know about?"     Wooyoung glanced at the ground and back at Yeosang.     "I met this really, really great guy named Mingi, and we've been dating for three months.  That's all I'll say."   Yeosang squealed and patted Wooyoung's back.    "There's another thing, but you'll see that when we get home."   "Oh?  What kind of thing?"    "Something that you could be mad or happy about."    "I don't like the sound of that."  

Yeosang was driven home by Wooyoung.   "Wooyoung, please don't let this be some dumb prank."    Yeosang got his house key out and opened the door.   His eyes widened as he looked at the state of the apartment.   "Wooyoung, what the fuck?!"   Wooyoung groaned.  "Okay let me explain, so, while I was living here this guy wanted to be my roommate and I said I was just house sitting, but he said he needed a new apartment, so I let him stay here, yes he pays rent, and yes I told him to clean up. But obviously the bird brain couldn't figure that out!"    "Are you saying I have a roommate?!"    "Yeah..."   Yeosang smacked his forehead.  "I can't deal with having to see someone night and day!"   "He's  barely ever here though."     "What's his name?"   "Choi Jongho, he said he works at some bar."    "He's a fucking pig."   Yeosang said, picking up a blue T-Shirt and sniffing it, immediately regretting it.    "He should've cleaned."   Just as Yeosang was about to yell more, the front door opened.     The man who walked in had dark brown hair, a nose ring, and was holding a bike helmet under his arm.   Wooyoung cleared his throat.  "Yeosang, this is Jongho, Jongho this is Yeosang."  He said awkwardly.    Yeosang's mouth hung agape.     "Uh, thanks for letting me stay here."  Jongho said.   Yeosang knitted his eyebrows together.   "Let's get something straight buddy, I did not let you live here. Wooyoung let you without my permission, now I'm not kicking you out, but if you don't clean up all this shit, I will kick you out."    Yeosang  was nose to nose with Jongho, who was backed up against the wall.   "I- um, I'm sorry."   Yeosang narrowed his eyes at Jongho.   "You will be if you don't start cleaning."    Wooyoung had slipped out the door, not wanting to get yelled at.  

Jongho vacuumed the living room last, with Yeosang watching him.    "Why did you have to paint my walls?"  Yeosang whispered, it was more to himself then to Jongho.    "Because I don't think the color red appeals to the human eye."   Yeosang scoffed.  "I don't care what appeals to anyone, as long as I like it, I'm happy, and don't back talk me."   Jongho rolled his eyes.  "What are you gonna do about it?"    "Kick you the fuck out."    Jongho snarled and finished vacuuming the room.  "How the fuck does one manage to turn a nice apartment into a jungle?"    Yeosang asked.  "One that has party's with friends. I doubt you can relate."    "You are one heck of a bitch Choi Jongho,"    "Just as your are, Kang Yeosang."   Yeosang was glaring up at the tall man who was glaring down at him.     "Wooyoung said you're barely here, so can you do that now?"     "Now it's summer, I'm not as busy as I was."    "Just my luck, now I have to acknowledge you."  And with that, Yeosang walked to his room and slammed his door shut.

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