safety dance

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Yeosang heard the doorbell ring. He ran and opened the front door. "Wooyoung, Yunho-" He expected to see his two best friends at the front door. But instead he saw a guy with black hair and a white streak, applying a layer of pink lip gloss. "Um, hello?" Jongho appeared behind Yeosang. "Yeosang, this is Choi San, my step brother." Jongho mumbled. San pushed pass Yeosang, looking around. "You finally cleaned." San mumbled. "San's also a bit of a bitch." Jongho added. San looked Yeosang up and down. "When did you move in?" "Three years ago. I left for a few months because of family stuff. Now I'm back and I didn't expect to have a biker boy for a roommate." San whistled. "Damn, I surprised Jongho hasn't beaten you." "Beaten me-" Jongho smacked a hand over San's mouth. "I used to get into fights a lot in school whenever people insulted me or something...I don't beat anyone." He said. San giggled and pushed his hand away. "Sure, whatever you say Jongho." The doorbell rang again. Jongho opened it and I guy with bright red hair walked in, next to a guy with pitch black hair. "Yeosang, these are my ex boyfriends, and college roommates, Park Seonghwa and Kim Hongjoong." Yeosang thought about what he had just said. "You dated these the same time?" "A threesome." Hongjoong said.

At this time, the apartment was starting to get crowded. Yeosang was sitting on top of the fridge, super vising the party. Jongho was on the so called dance floor, also known as the living room, dancing with some random woman. Wooyoung was chit chatting with Mingi, who Yeosang thought was good for him. Yunho had started to talk with San, and ended up in the bathroom. Jongho walked to the kitchen and poured himself more wine. "You're gonna get drunk." Yeosang said. "So? I'm not going anywhere, and why the fuck are you up there?" "I'm your guardian angel for the night." Jongho clicked his tongue and shook his head. "This is a party, have fun, please." Yeosang groaned and rolled his eyes, he climbed down and felt hands around his waist. "What the fuck-" "I didn't want you to fall, jeez." "Are you drunk?" "I don't have to be drunk to be nice. Would you like to dance?" Jongho asked out of the blue. "No, I don't- excuse me, I won't dance." "Then stand with me on the dance floor?" "Well, fuck, I think I'm blushing so I might as well." Yeosang mumbled. Just as Jongho said, Yeosang lazily had his hands on Jongho's shoulder's and Jongho held Yeosang's waist and they stood there, talking. "Soooo, you've never had Couque D'asse?" Jongho asked. "Nope, never." "I'm gonna buy you a box for yourself, cause there's no such thing as sharing once you've tried them." Yeosang smiled slightly. "Oh I love this song!" Yeosang said. "Now you wanna dance?" Yeosang nodded.

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