a little gasoline, blowtorch, no problem.

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Yeosang didn't answer Jongho after that. They were half way through the car ride when Jongho said. "Hey, it was just a joke-" "Well did you see me fucking laugh?" Yeosang asked. "No, no I didn't. I'm sorry if I, triggered anything.." "Oh no, it's not that. It's the fucking fact that you put yourself into the picture of where I was your husband!" "Was that so wrong of me Yeosang?!" "Fuck you!" "You can't always say that when you don't want to answer something!" "But I always mean it! So fuck you!" Jongho grumbled and stared angrily at the road. "Why can't we get along?" Jongho asked. "Because your dick is too big to shove down my throat." Yeosang mumbled. Jongho couldn't help but chuckle a little. "So, Seonghwa and Hongjoong wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday.." Yeosang raised an eyebrow. "And?" "And I need to bring a date, cause I don't want to be the third wheel." Yeosang's eyebrows lifted with fake fascination. "Good for you. I'm sure Eunbi will be thrilled..." "Really? Eunbi is out of the picture, and you know I was leaning towards asking you." "Well listen to this. I'll go. But not as your date." "Then what's the point?" "Free food, idiot."

"Does this make my butt look big?" Yeosang asked, turning to the side for Jongho to see. "Yes, I like it." Jongho answered, smacking it. Yeosang turned his head and smacked Jongho in the face. "Ow! What the fuck?!" Jongho asked, rubbing his cheek while pouting. "My buttocks is feeling the same way as your face. Get over it." Yeosang said through gritted teeth. "Uh, sorry then. I couldn't help it, you were handing it to me on a silver platter." "If you do it again, your face will fall off." Jongho put his hands up in surrender. Yeosang rolled his eyes and put on shoes and socks. "Let's go." Yeosang said. Jongho followed him out the door. "You forgot the keys-" Jongho cut Yeosang off. "No I didn't," Jongho said, holding up a single black key. "Hell no! I'm not getting on that thing!" "Fine, then. I'll go without you." "Jongho! I'm gonna die on that thing!" Jongho rolled his eyes and started the motorcycle. "I'll die with you, now come on you pussy." "No, get the car keys." "If you so badly want to go then, drive yourself idiot." "I can't!" "Then let's go!"

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die..." Yeosang mumbled into Jongho's shoulder. "Would you shut up for Pete's sake? I know how to drive my own damn bike, jeez." "Hey, this isn't exactly fun for me you know." "Well if you'd let fear stop dropping your ass, then maybe you'd enjoy it." "I will never enjoy this death machine." "It's obviously failed to be one, look, we're already here." Yeosang took his helmet off and fixed his hair. "Do I have helmet hair?" Yeosang asked. Jongho glanced back at him before taking his own helmet off. "Nope. Let's go, I'm hungry as shit." Jongho pulled Yeosang into the restaurant. "Reservation for Kim?" Jongho asked. The waiter pointed to the left with a cringe look on their face. Jongho looked to his left and saw Hongjoong practically eating Seonghwa's face. "Horny shits." Jongho mumbled, pulling Yeosang to the table.

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