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"Why are you so angry babe...?" Taehyun asked, slurring his words. "Shut up! This is really all of your fault! I knew I shouldn't have brought your sloppy ass!" "Will you relax Yeosang? You're the one who complained to me for weeks about how it was his fault the relationship ended." "There was no relationship! Even if I wanted there to be." "Just get over him, he's the one who supposedly cheated on you, no?" "He wasn't even with that bitch Eunbi! He was talking to his father that night and he didn't have the guts to tell me!" Yeosang screamed, slamming on the car breaks. "Why'd you-" "Get out." "What-" "Just get the fuck out of my car!" "Tch. Fucking cunt." Taehyun murmured as he slammed the car door shut. Yeosang pressed on the gas peddle and continued driving, but he wasn't going to stop at the hotel he and Taehyun were staying at.

Jongho rubbed his eyes that were sore from crying and his throat had hurt from yelling so much with Mingi and Yeosang. It was a mistake to go to that party. Shouldn't Yeosang be happy that he was with Eunbi on his birthday? His birthday. Jongho stared into the mirror and then spit in the sink. "Why am I mad over that asshole? We weren't even together for fuck sakes. Goddamnit." Jongho ran his fingers through his hair and walked out of the bathroom. He was about to go to sleep, until he heard a knock at his front door.. "At this fucking hour!? Bullshit, who is it!?" Jongho yelled. "Your roommate!" He heard. Jongho speed walked to the front door and saw Yeosang standing with a plastic bag in his hands. "What the...fuck. Why are you here?" "It's my fucking apartment." Yeosang said, shoving past the taller male. "You know you can't just barge in here at 12am and expect me to want you back with open arms Yeosang!" Jongho said, slamming the front door. "You know I wonder what our neighbors think about us." Yeosang said, chuckling. "Stop changing the topic. You can't stay here tonight." "Yes I can. I still own this place. You know you don't even pay rent, did you know that?" "Well I'll start paying it, as a matter a fact I'll give you some cash right now." Jongho mumbled, grabbing his wallet of the counter. "Why are we like this?" Jongho asked. " 'We?', there is no we. What, do you mean why are you like this?" "You're the problem if anything." "Stop antagonizing me." "Stop running into my life Yeosang. I was so close to getting over you, so, so close. But now, you're here and all I'd like to do right now is kiss you." "Are you trying to sound sweet? How ironic, I was over you the second I walked out of here, I mean how could you lie to me like that?" "I was panicked?" "Oh, yeah, great excuse." Yeosang sarcastically said, scoffing afterwards. "I bought you couque d'asse." Yeosang said, pointing the bag. "Why?" "Because I lied. I'm not over you, and I doubt I could ever be. I came back here to, not to apologize but..." "To apologize." "Well you should too." "I'm sorry Yeosang. For falling in love with you for whatever reason and sorry for making this whole relationship or whatever you'd like to call it fucked up. I'm sorry for making you get back with Taehyun." Jongho said. Yeosang sighed and started climbing onto the fridge. "What the fuck?" Jongho asked. "My turn." Yeosang said. "I'm sorry for meeting you, and dragging you into my shit filled life. I'm sorry for taking my anger out of you. For fuck sakes you have more problems than me. I'm sorry for always blaming you. But I'm not sorry for loving you, I liked that part." Yeosang said. "I thought you would've said that was the worst decision you've made in your life." "That was my second choice. But I love you Choi Jongho. It's all my fault and in a span of like, half a year we've made more messes then children with paint." "That was the nicest thing I've ever heard you say." "Its the nicest thing I've ever heard myself say!" Yeosang jumped on top the counter top and then onto the tile floor and walked over to Jongho. "Am I allowed to hug you?" Yeosang asked. Jongho gasped dramatically, "Kang Yeosang asking me for something-" Yeosang made sure to shut Jongho up by hopping on top of him and kissing him. Jongho could taste the alcohol in Yeosang's mouth and realized he was drunk. "You're drunk?" Jongho asked. "No. Actually I think the decision I'm about to make is the most logically one yet." "What do you mean?" Jongho asked. Yeosang sighed and pushed Jongho off of him. "The cookies were a parting gift." Jongho let out a breathy laugh. "What are you talking about Yeosang?" Jongho asked, sounding like he was about to cry. "It was an interesting time with you. But I have to go." Yeosang said, smiling. It was one of the first times Jongho had seen the older smile. But it was gone soon as Yeosang walked out of the apartment, and so, unfortunately, the two became what they were at the beginning. Strangers.

The End.

I think lol.

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