i'm all dressed up and ready to fall in love!

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"Fuck Jongho, you just get more attractive as time goes on don't you?" Yeosang asked, giggling quietly. Jongho stood there in silence. Yeosang had dyed his hair black and was wearing a white turtle neck with black dress pants and had a grin on his face. "Why didn't you tell me you were in Seoul?" Jongho asked in shock. "I wanted to surprise you, and you look so much more than surprised." "So, you left for two months and moved in with him...?" Jongho asked glancing to Taehyun who was mixing drinks to impress the small amount of people watching him. "Well, I couldn't bring myself to see you again, for that time, y'know?" "No actually, I don't know Yeosang, so if you could enlighten me on why you left me alone for two fucking months without a care in the world to be with that raging alcoholic prick?" Jongho asked, gridding his teeth together. Yeosang had the audacity to put a scowl on his pretty face. "Hey now, I'm with Taehyun not you. But please, could you enlighten me on why you spent your birthday with that slut bitch Eunbi!?" "I wasn't with fucking Eunbi! I was with my father like you'd fucking suggested that morning!" Yeosang's mouth fell slightly agape. "Jongho, Yeosang, do you want to talk in my room?" Wooyoung asked, grabbing Jongho's shoulder. "No, no because I just have one question left, why the fuck didn't you tell me that!? Y-You've turned my life upside down! And for something you lied about too!?" "I was scared, I thought you would've been mad." "Oh my god, well you know what? Fuck you Jongho! Fuck you and your shitty lies and fuck you for falling in love with me!" Yeosang said, turning on his heel.

Yeosang grabbed Taehyun by the arm and yanked him out of the bar towards the front door. "You can't keep fucking running away from me Yeosang!" Jongho said, jogging up to Yeosang who was already half was down the lawn. "Oh fucking really!?" Yeosang asked, shoving Taehyun into the passengers seat of his car. "Watch me!" Yeosang screamed, slamming the car door and immediately putting his car into drive.

"Fucking shit Jongho! You weren't even there five fucking minutes and you've made him run off!" Jongho heared Mingi's familiar voice yell. "Mingi! Get back inside!" Wooyoung yelled. "And not only that, but you drag my own fucking husband into it! You are a mess Jongho! You're practically toxic! Leave Yeosang alone, he doesn't fucking want you in his damn life anymore!" "Mingi." "What!?" "I'm sorry." "Oh yeah I bet you're really fucking sorry! You've ruined the fucking party! It's Christmas too Jongho, you know what, you're not welcome in my home anymore-" "Mingi enough, just go back inside I'll talk to him." "But it's freezing outside baby-" "Just go inside Mingi." Wooyoung said.

"Leave Yeosang alone. He's moved on, I think. He and Taehyun have been really good together anyway, I don't think you should interfere with Yeosang anymore. It's not good for you or him." "Then why did you invite me!? All I wanted to do the second I saw him was cry into his arms and apologize, and now I've ruined it." "Jesus fucking christ Jongho, you're acting like a child. Stop moping. Just go home. Work hard, and try not to think about him. I'm done being your mentor honestly, and I only invited you because Yeosang wanted to see you." "Sorry." "You should be."

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