NINETEEN - Father Kieran

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"The price of having a soft heart is feeling the world's pain

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"The price of having a soft heart is feeling the world's pain."

- J, Lynn

"Oh, bloody hell." Mumbled Sirena after checking the mark Bastiana had left in Kieran's hand.

The priest was shaking like a leaf, fear consuming his senses at the very thought of turning into the monster his nephew was in his final hours.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. Not like Sean." The man cried in his hands, while the brunette awkwardly patted his back.

"You won't. You're a good man, Kieran. During all the time I've known you, you've just wanted peace and safety for all New Orleans, and that's a very noble thing." She spoke softly, trying to cam him down.

"I went to Rousseau's, needed a drink after this morning's service, after Bastiana hexed me." He began to explain while taking something from the inside of his coat. "She gave me this."


"A woman, redhead and blue eyes, looked terrifying despite being so young." The priest placed the weapon in her hands, a knife carved out of a bone. "Said she would help me if I stabbed Klaus with this, on the heart."

Sirena's eyes widened while examining the blade. She could feel the darkness contained in it, made her sick to her stomach, her body rejecting it instinctively. So, she wrapped it with a loose piece of fabric she found laying around in the attic of the small church.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Klaus is a paranoid man. He would probably kill me at once if I show up with something like this." Kieran explained while laying down on the small bed on the side, tiredness taking over him.

"I'll take care of this. You just ... have some rest, okay?" And she closed the door behind her.

Klaus walked through the front doors of St. Anne's church with an irritated attitude that had become somewhat familiar to the mermaid who awaited for him in one of the seats closer to the altar. Her leg bounced up and down uncontrollably while her hands held the important blade, her eyes set on the dark object that caused a revolting feeling to settle on the pit of her stomach.

"I got your message. Where's Kieran now?" The hybrid demanded to know, standing next to her.

"In the attic, resting." Sirena's monotone voice was enough to make his frown deepen. "He's going to go crazy and die ... and all because he decided to help us."

Then it hit him, guilt. She was feeling guilty.
With uncertainty, Klaus sat down beside her, his eyes trying to find what exactly was so intriguing about the design of the altar that prevented her to look at him with her dazzling blue eyes.

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