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"I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven

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"I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven. I'm such a fool to pay this price."

Coming Down,
by Halsey

      ARRIVING AT THE MARMORIS, ESCORTED by two of the palace's guards, was what Sirena would consider a 'big entrance'.

     Everyone in their way to the throne room had stared at her with the same surprised expression as she walked with her head head high.
She had made no fuss, she didn't want to give them a show. But, deep down, she was afraid. She had promised to return and never set foot on land again once she used all of her pearl–gates, and it was a thought that filled her up with dread.

Sirena still didn't regret each use of her pearl–gates. She had done what she needed to do, and tried her best. If she was sentenced to spend the rest of her existence with her pod, then she would make sure to send some sort of message to Klaus and Hayley, to let them know that she would find a way back to them. And then, she would have to escape the island, knowing that anyone who next set eyes on her and was loyal to the Thalassos would have to follow the 'kill on sight' order sent for all deserters.

She didn't allow the council members' presence to intimidate her as she set her eyes on Basileus and put on a mask to hide all her emotions, specially ignoring her father's burning gaze on her.

"Well, well, well. Look what the tide washed in." It was more than obvious that the leader of the Thalasso pod was beyond proud he had gotten what he wanted. The loose mermaid had returned where he could keep her under his thumb, instead of doing whatever she did on land, which he feared would endanger the pod.

"Sirena, daughter of Eurypulus and Aralyn. Your trial for disobedience of the pod's law and deceit about the oracle may begin. You fate now lays in the hands of our council and leader." Spoke General Ondina.

Sirena's eyes fell on said woman for the first time since she had entered the room, and her jaw clenched in anger.
How dare she, thought Sirena. Ondina, someone who she hadn't spoken to in, at least, three years, was now someone who had declared her trial to decide her punishment was about to begin.

It was truly ironic seeing Ondina as one of the highest ranking generals of the Thalassos. It seemed the girl who claimed to hate Basileus' reign during their years of schooling had disappeared completely, morphing into someone Sirena couldn't recognise.

Ondina's sharp born eyes collided with Sirena's blue ones, and the latter took in a deep breath at how cold they looked. Ondina used to be so fun, determined and fierce; and Sirena had loved her deeply for it. Yet, now, they were strangers in a serious situation that would determine Sirena's life.

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