08 | change of allegiance

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"I make dark things beautiful and beautiful things dark

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"I make dark things beautiful and beautiful things dark."

—Kerli Koiv.

THE GOVERNOR'S HOUSE WAS UNUSUALLY quiet considering Klaus and Rebekah Mikaelson were the ones living there, or so Sirena thought as she walked downstairs from 'her room' after waking up considerably late in the morning.

"Hello." She greeted an angry Klaus who was sipping from a glass filled with blood, she assumed it was from the pale girl standing not too far with a deep cut on her wrist.

At his lack of answer, she took a seat in front of him, placing a napkin elegantly on her lap and began to put some fruit on her plate.

"Now, what do you want?" He grumbled, narrowing his eyes at the girl he had avoided since they returned from the bayou the day before.

Rebekah's presence had done nothing but augmenting his ire and paranoia, along with the loneliness that had followed him like a shadow his whole life. So now, seeing Sirena's lovely presence calmly sitting in front of him, with her enticing aroma invading his senses and directing a small closed–lip smile his way, made him want nothing more than to make her go away so he could be angry by himself.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine with eating watermelon. Although, I wouldn't complain if we ever have beignets for breakfast, they are my favourite." She deliberately ignored his true intentions, shrugging lightly.

"No." He stood up harshly, getting more annoyed by how she didn't even flinch. "What the hell do you want from me now? Will you also insist on me going to help noble Elijah or perhaps you will also plan my undoing from the shadows just like Rebekah seems to be doing?"

"I only wish for you to calm down."

Her comment, along with a straight face, made the hybrid finally lose his grip on his patience, throwing the table to the side and breaking all the expensive china on top of it.
Despite this, Sirena simply placed the last grape on her hand in her mouth, chewing it slowly, a vision that made him shake in anger.

"Do not make fun of me! I don't even know why you're here in the first place." The anger in his voice made it lower an octave as he placed his hands on the arms of her chair, their faces coming dangerously close. "Hayley and the baby were the reason you said you were here, but since they're both with my traitor of a brother, you can get away from here. Specially since you haven't openly declared what the bloody hell you are."

"Why?" She stood up and pushed him back slightly. "Because it means I'm going to kill you in your sleep? Or perhaps I will go to Marcel?" She chuckled humourlessly at her own words, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not even fairly acquainted with your so–called–enemies! I have no reasons to be your enemy since you've really done nothing to me except being obnoxiously rude! And I haven't had the time or place to properly tell all of you what I am or why I am so keen on trying to protect you and your baby because problems just keep coming up at ridiculous amount."

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