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"You had this expression on your face, like you weren't quite sure you were supposed to be on Earth."

- I Wrote This For You,
by Iain S. Thomas

          "HONEY, I'M HOME!"

     ALL OF Sirena's enthusiasm In her sing–song tone vanished when she received no answer, a huff escaping her lips as she invited herself inside the Governor's house looking for its current inhabitants.

     Rebekah walked out of the kitchen and into the mermaid's line of view, making the mortal girl frown in confusion at the bucket full of water and the cloths she carried around.

     "Well, don't just stand there. You came for Hayley, right?" The blonde asked, crossing her arms over her chest and frowning in distrust at the other girl's presence.

     "Hello, to you too Bekah." Sirena raised an eyebrow and followed the blonde vampire upstairs, being ignored.
     "What happened?" All humour disappeared from the brunette at the sight of the pregnant werewolf laying on the bed, looking like she was going to puke at any time with the paleness in her face.

     "We don't know." Rebekah groaned while soaking some clothes in the cold water in the bucket. "Something related to her link to Sophie Deveraux."

     "Those bloody witches." Sirena mumbled to herself while taking seat next to Hayley, who groaned in pain.

     "Stop whining, alright? Elijah will be here any minute." The blonde spoke as she and the mermaid tried to lower the werewolf's body temperature.

     "Your brother's back?" Sirena's question went completely ignored by the other two women, making her roll her eyes.

     "I feel like I've been microwaved." Commented Hayley, earning a chuckle from the other girl.

     "Hey, just because you're carrying a baby doesn't mean you get to act like one." Retorted Rebekah, clearly unamused. "I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak."

     The moment was interrupted by Elijah's sudden arrival, with Sophie's unwanted presence as company.

     "What the hell is she doing here?" Rebekah took a defensive stance in front of Hayley with Sirena by her side.

     "Who the hell is she?" Elijah remarked eyeing the blue–eyed brunette girl.

     "I'm trying to help." Sophie answered, unlike the mermaid who decided that silence could be her best ally in this particular situation.

     "Help?!" The blonde tsk–ed. "You're the reason we're in this bloody mess! Why aren't we unlinking this witch already, Elijah?"

     "Rebekah, let her do what she can." Ever the voice of reason, Elijah spoke in a commanding voice to his younger sister.

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