THIRTY ONE - Time's Up

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"I want you always to remember me

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"I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?"

–'Norwegian Woods', by Haruki Murakami.

The baby was crying and Sirena felt like crying too.

Trapped in another circle of salt, she had awoken to the newborn crying to the top of her lungs on a basket near her. Unable to reach the baby, Sirena had punched the invisible barrier with all her might, shouting for Genevieve or Monique to let her out or she would burn them alive.

She was getting sick of the witches and their superiority complex, hating how they wanted to decide what was right and what was wrong, feeling like gods and forgetting their true role, their duty to maintaining the balance of nature.
The only exception to her rage was the young Davina Claire, who, luckily, was not with these mad women trying to kill a newborn.

Monique Deveraux wasn't patient, if it were up to her, she would have killed the annoying woman and the baby as soon as the arrived at the Lafayette Cemetery, but the sacrifice had to be done at daylight and there were still other preparations they weren't done with.
So, the shouting and yelling from Sirena was easily getting on her nerves, multiplied by ten by the wailings of the newborn, tempting to spill their blood as soon as possible.

She had fought against it, but, through months of meditation, she had accepted that her previously innocent 16–year–old self had died in the Harvest and didn't come back. The Ancestors were now everything, and they demanded the liberation of more magic into the earth through the deaths of the miracle baby and —who they thought was— the last living mermaid.

Before she could follow her murder–y impulses, Genevieve glared at her and left the crypt where they were working to check on their two soon–to–be sacrifices.

"YOU BITCH! SHE'S JUST A BABY!" Sirena screamed through her sore throat at the sight of the red-haired woman.

It was more than rage running through her every fibre now, it was a type of hated Sirena had only felt once before. It was the same all–consuming hate that had filled her up when the leader of her pod had sent Nereus' battalion to be slaughtered mercilessly by a cecaelia. So many people had lost a loved–one, and Basileus had claimed that those young warriors should have done things differently if they wanted to stay alive; washing his hands from the blood of all those soldiers.

"The Ancestors demand your sacrifices, we're just following orders." Spoke Genevieve with an unnerving tone. "Believe me, I hate this as much as you."

She was too far gone to be reasoned with, determined the mermaid. Her blind faith in the ancestors would prevent Sirena from trying to bargain a way out for the baby.

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