Mechiggero- Little did I know... (Part 2)

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~Time skip~

 I got tired of waiting

 Wondering if you were ever coming around

 My faith in you was fading

 When I met you on the outskirts of town …

He hears her before he sees her and suddenly he's too nervous to turn around, too nervous to see her face, would she be happy to see him? Would she be angry? Would there be tears in her eyes? Would she walk away without hearing what he had to say? He could deal with all the others, but not the last.

He had sent her a text earlier that day, which he actually hated himself for. The first communication between them was a text, stupid. He should have called, should have went to her house or something less impersonal than a text. But he was afraid she wouldn't even give him the chance to speak and hang up or slam the door in his face, so he sent a text. He told her to meet him in their place, that they needed to talk. He hoped she hadn't taken that in a way he didn't mean.

But that didn't matter now, she was here, he could feel her eyes on him and so he turned, slowly. He hadn't seen her since the accident and the last image of her he has was her bleeding out on the road, he hadn't realized just how much he craved to see her since then. His fingers twitched at his sides as she forced himself to stay put, to not rush over to her and pull her into a never ending hug, he had to let her make her move first.

She was thinner now and he already mentally started planning meals to cook for her, dates to take her out on to fill the hollow that had formed in her cheeks, to make her collar bones less pronounced… had she been eating anything at all? Her eyes were red and shiny, but hollow, with dark circles under them, the same look one would have from crying too much and sleeping too little.

She wore her skinny jeans that were no longer skinny and an oversized T-Shirt he was pretty sure was his. One sleeve hung off of her shoulder, her frail frame barely think enough to keep the clothes on her body. He hair was pulled into a messy ponytail, looking like she never cared much for it after the incident.

It was all because of him.

But she was still the most beautiful being he had ever seen.

She had her arms loosely around her chest, as if holding herself together, looking almost defensive. She was hesitantly shifting from one leg to the other, her eyes flickering between his and the ground, she looked scared, like she was ready to run, or prepared to hear the worst and that was the last thing he wanted for her.

He took a deep breath and took one step towards her, the leaves cracking under his feet and her head snapped up, her eyes shining even more, now filled with unshed tears. She tilted her head to the side and took a small step back.

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