FiveShot - Secret Admirer (Part 5)

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Hey y'all! It's totally been a while since the last update. However, I am back and to finally conclude the search of Camila's secret admirer...


"Guys! Guys, get down here!" Camila yelled out. They were in the Castillo household. Violetta and Francesca scrambled downstairs followed behind by Federico and Diego.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Violetta asked worriedly.

"Look! My secret admirer taped a letter to the coffee table!" she pointed to the table.

"Dude, how did your secret admirer get into our house?" Violetta asked.

"Guys, check if you have been robbed!" Federico exclaimed scanning the room for missing objects. Diego scoffed. Francesca looked over him questioning his action.

"Well anyways read it out loud," Violetta pushed.

"While you guys are reading a stupid love note, I'm going to the kitchen to make a sandwich," Diego headed towards the door. Camila opened the envelope.


You may think we just met but that doesn’t matter. Ever since we met, my heart belonged to you. I thought you were gorgeous. That's how it all started. You don't get it because I loved you from the start ever since I laid eyes on you.

Camila's POV

Wait it's the last letter. An O, E, I, D and a G. But it can't be right? Diego? He's been so objective towards all these messages. But he's the only one that fits the description.

"Cami? Cami? Earth to Camila," Violetta tried to get my attention.

"Yeah Violetta?" I replied. I looked over and found Federico, Violetta and Francesca apprehensive.

"What's up?"

"You don't think its Diego right?" she started to ask.

"Uh guys, I'm pretty sure it could've been somebody else besides Diego," I blabbed.

"But that last message was a dead giveaway, I mean who else can it be?"

I was speechless. "Y'know what? My throat is a little dry. I'm going to get some water," clearing up my throat, I to the kitchen upstairs. Truth is, I wasn't thirsty. I knew who wrote them and that person happened to be right there,  making a sandwich.

No One's POV

The kitchen was dead silent with a small clink of a knife making contact with toasted bread. The walls of the kitchen were painted a new shade of green.

"So it was you the whole time, huh?" Camila stated as she entered the kitchen where Diego was making a sandwich. He nodded with pursed lips; he didn't look at her. Camila, feeling the awkwardness, tried to carry on the one-sided conversation.

"These poems and messages are amazing, well written and very articulate. I can't believe you wrote them."

Diego can never lie to her. He had to tell her the truth. He swallowed and started to say, "You deserve to know the truth, I didn't write them, I hired some kid to help me. I would dictate and he would write them up clearly and concisely. Doesn’t that sound like something I would do?" he smirked.

Camila couldn't hold back her smile. It's the thought that counts.

"It's really sweet of you," she softly said just loud enough for him to hear. He gave a small smile.

"Uhm this is a little weird but what do we do now?" she asked.

He shrugged, "Dunno but the ball is in your court. You know my feelings towards you and now our relationship is just a yes or no away."

Camila was a bit wide-eyed stunned. She didn't expect Diego to be so mature about it.

"Look, I like you a lot Diego. But I don't know where this is going to go. If we date and we don't work, it's going to put a dent into our friendship, and the group's friendship. We can't think it's just about us, there are other people to take into account."

"You're being crazy, it's not like I asked you to marry me. We're young, let's have fun and see where it goes. I promise you the moment you think we won't work out, we can go back to being just friends."

"You say that now but when that moment comes it's not going to be like that."

"I like you and you like me. That's all that counts."

"You're right," as a smile emerged onto Camila's face.

"So Camila," he said walking up to Camila gently grabbing both of her hands, "Will you go out with me?"

She nodded indicating a yes to his question. They went in for a warm embrace with Camila's arms around his neck, her head on his chest, and his arms around her waist. Neither wanted the hug to end. Their three friends: Violetta, Federico and Francesca, were watching them at the door, and went in all exclaiming, "Awww!" Realizing their friends were watching all along, all five of them went in for a group hug and congratulated the new potential couple on their first date.


And that's it people!!

Thanks for reading

Lots of Love



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