Fedemila - I don't deserve You

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 Federico’s POV

I really hate airports, we had pulled up in economy parking at about 4 in the morning for our 6 o'clock flight, and I’m not a morning person. I went to the truck and pulled out our stuff. I put my carry-on on to my back, held my suitcase and put Ludmila's carry on top of that. She stood ready with her luggage. "Ready, pack mule?" She giggled. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Alright, so let's just get the luggage checked here," I said as I placed the pieces on the scale. "Now, we have to get through security."

"Hello, and welcome aboard Argentina Airlines, this is Jenni-" I couldn't believe it, right next to me, was Ludmila coming home with me for the holidays. I squeezed her hand. "You ready to meet my family?" She smiled, "You better believe it. Anything will be better than my silent Thanksgivings and Christmases." Honestly I was nervous, my family isn't what you call, quiet, or small. I have more cousins that I can remember, about 12 aunts and uncles from both sides together and I think about 15-20 great aunts and uncles, mix in the extra friends, family, and girlfriends (I'm not the only one, trust me), we probably crank out close to 50 people at each family party. Compared to Ludmila's family that only has one child for each set of parents (weird coincidence,I know) this was a crazy amount. "They're just...big, and loud, and embarrassing as a whole. If you're overwhelmed, I won't be confused. They are a lot to get used to, and unfortunately, I am one of them, so I'm bound to act like them sometimes. And especially on Christmas Eve, it is wicked crazy." "Federico! Why are you so worried? Why did I agree to come with you? Because of you!" She poked me in the arm, "I love your witty humor, and how you snort when you laugh. If your family's like that too, then I am more than happy to meet them!" Ludmila was awesome, she always helped me to relax, and not worry about the step ahead. We made the perfect pair. "Please fasten your seat belts, we are now landing. Welcome to Rome!"

Ludmila’s POV

As I wobbled off the plane with Federico carrying our carry-ons behind me, I anticipated what his family would be like, I couldn't wait to meet them. My quiet family wasn't the unconventional group that I wanted sometimes. As we stepped out of the terminal and into the waiting area, I looked out the windows, and the first thing I saw was snow. I was an Argentinian girl, and snow had never touched my skin. I have heard countless stories from Federico on how he had to shovel out the driveway before school.

"Alright, Ludmila, the rest of our luggage is on the conveyor at B9, then we'll rent a car and drive to my mom's. Ok?" He was so organized! And for some reason, he loved to plan things out. "Yes sir!" I said giving a fake salute to him.

I looped my arm through Federico's, and started to look at the signs in the airport, "Now, where is that rental place?"

It took what seemed like forever to get the rest of our stuff, but finally, we piled into a rental car. "Federico? Federico? FEDERICO!" He turned, almost swerving off the icy road, "What? Did I miss something?" "What about all of this?" I gestured to what I thought was a heavy storm of snow. He visibly relaxed, and grinned "Oh, this is nothing, one time we had this wicked bad storm and didn't go to school for a week, couldn't see a foot in front of you in the worst of it. Don't worry we'll be there soon."

In about 15 mins, we pulled up to a house and went to the door. Federico knocked, and almost immediately a middle aged woman with graying blonde hair in a messy bun came to the door. "Federico! Your home sweetie!" And swooped him into a hug. After managing to be released, he introduced me. "This is Ludmila, mom, my girlfriend." That made me, even in this "warm" 2 degrees, glow. "My girlfriend" I thought with happiness. I was the one he fell in love with. "Now, come on you two! It's wicked cold out! Get inside!" His mom commanded pulling me out of my daze. "Let me just get the luggage, mom." Federico said. As I stepped into the house, I was filled with pleasing smells, cookies, pies and hot chocolate filled the air. I started to unwrap myself as I took in my surroundings. So this is where Federico grew up. Along the wall hung pictures of him atop mountains and of him with his guitar. Just then, Federico stumbled in with the luggage."

So, Ludmila, it's so nice to meet you!" Mrs. Fellini (made that up ^^) said as she gave me a huge hug. "I've heard so many great things about you!" I blushed. At my family, we only gave hugs twice at each gathering, once at the beginning and once as we left. And they barely went over 2 seconds. But these Fellini’s really did know how to give a hug! "Mom, you didn't," I spun around to see Federico standing in front of the fridge with a platter on it. "What did I do, sweetie?" "You made maple fudge!" He was literally jumping up and down like a 4 year old, it was pretty funny to watch. "Of course! Why wouldn't I make the best fudge in the world for Christmas?" He grinned, "Thanks, mom." He went over and hugged her again.

That night, which was also the day the Fellini’s got their tree, I caught Federico decking out the tree, and, wait for it, dancing and get ready, singing along to Stevie Wonder and what Christmas means to him. He was in his own little, carefree world, and I let him stay in it for a little while, but then I snuggled into his strong arms and we danced as White Christmas turned on. Slowly, the rest of Federico's family started to float in, we went and sat on the couch. It was snowing outside, beautiful, I thought. As we sat there, I whispered, "You know what?" "What?" He whispered back. "I am really liking this, Federico. I feel right at home." “I love seeing you so, happy and relaxed. Oh, we're going skiing tomorrow, want to come, Ludmila?" "I've never skied before." "Then I'll find you an instructor, me!" "Allright!" "Better get to bed then, because skiing is first thing in the morning. Love you." "I love you, goodnight"

I couldn’t sleep that night, because of the cold. I wasn’t used to it, you know. So I moved a little closer to Federico and felt his warm arms tightening around my waist. I really don’t deserve this guy.

He’s sweet and kind, he forgave me when I made mistakes. He was the reason I kept trying to change. He gives me more love then I could ever dream. I can’t believe I’m the one he chose to love, that it’s me who is lying next to him right now. After all I’ve done, he gives me everything I want. And I don’t deserve his love. That’s just how he is, no one deserves him. But he’s mine, for now and forever.


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Lots of love, Emily

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