Leonetta - Sick Day

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Violetta groaned as she looked at the image before her in the bathroom mirror. Hair was a mess from where she had let it air dry from her shower the previous night. Eyes were puffy and red with black circles under them.. Nose was red. Skin pale. Violetta Castillo was sick. She groaned again.

She walked from the bathroom back to her room. "I think I'm dying" She said to herself as she got back into bed. She placed the covers over her head and was almost asleep when her phone started ringing.

She groaned again as she grabbed the phone off of the bedside table. She saw that Leon was calling her and a small smile curved across her lips. She answered the phone.

Violetta coughed out a hello.

Leon sighed. "Hey baby. Still sick?" He asked her

"Oh no, I just cough and sound like this normally" Violetta said hoarsely, her voice full of sarcasm.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. It's nice to see being sick hasn't taken your sense of humor"

"Hmm. Shouldn't you be at school?" Violetta asked. Before Leon could answer she heard knocking at her door. "Hold on someone is at the door"

She climbed out of bed and made her way downstairs to her front door. She opened it to see Leon standing on her porch holding a brown teddy bear up to his face. She was now grinning like an idiot at the sight of him.

"To answer your question, I should be at school but I had something better to do: take care of my sick girlfriend" He smiled at her. Leon walked past her and entered, Violetta shutting the door behind him. He handed her the bear.

"Leon, you know you can't be here when I'm home alone" Violetta said.

"Well, hello to you too" He said nonchalantly.

"Leon" Violetta gave him a stern look.

"Relax. I would be gone before anyone knows I was here. But if you really want me to go now, I guess I will" Leon turned and acted like he was leaving, walking towards the door. Violetta grabbed his arm, causing him to smirk, and turned him back around to face her.

Violetta sighed. "I didn't say leave. My dad should be home in a few hours" She said as she slid her hand down to intertwine his fingers with hers.

"I'll be long gone" He said, knowing that was what she was referring to.

"You would want to come over when I'm gross" Violetta deadpanned as she and Leon walked up the stairs. They entered her room.

"That's funny. I see a beautiful girl and you see gross. Hm. Weird." Violetta smiled at Leon. "I just realized I can't be in your room with the door closed either. We're just breaking all of the rules today" He joked as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He leaned in to attempt to kiss her.

Violetta put her hands on his shoulders and slightly pushed him away. "Don't. I don't want to get you sick"

Violetta OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now