Dieletta - Drama in the Family

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I actually wrote this one a little bit different from all my other OneShots. The POV is more narrative and... I don't know how to explain. Just enjoy ;)

Violetta's POV

My phone lit up, and Francesca's name flashed on the screen. I smiled and opened her text message, furrowing my eyebrows a bit as she told me to check the YouMix website. I've always disliked social media, it was full of hate and drama, which is why I chose not to check it often. But I still did to update myself on the recent events, and to talk to a few of the fans.

I did as I was told, pulling out my laptop, opening a browser and typed in the URL of the website. I logged in, pursing my lips as soon as I got redirected to the Forum/Community thing (A/N I don't know, the place where you can talk to each other and send messages XD) - apparently, there was drama in the family again, and I could tell it was about Diego, due to the number of times he was mentioned.

My eyes widened as I began to read the messages, and all seemed to have one thing in common - it was about Diego talking about a plan to get me out of the studio. I refused to believe it, as Diego wasn't the kind of guy to cheat on someone like that. He would make me feel beautiful and wasn't the type to pull a move like that.

But out of curiosity, I still decided to open one of the videos a fan posted and I felt the tears well up as I watched. The girl was a few inches shorter than him, and she had curly blonde hair that fell to her waist. She was wearing a pink tank top, and some shorts along with six-inch heels, which could only mean that he was talking to Ludmila.

She made big hand gestures while yelling at him that he was taking too much time and that he had to get his job done, otherwise he would never get to know his dad.

I couldn't see his face because Ludmila was standing in the way, but it was definitely clear that Diego showed no sign of resistance while she kept shouting.

The tears began to blur my vision and I couldn't handle all the emotions stirring inside of me, so I broke. I bawled my eyes out, crying my hardest on my bed when I heard Diego come inside my room. He sees me crying on the bed, and he sits down next to me, stroking my cheek. "Babe, is something wrong? Why are you crying?" he asked softly, and I felt my emotions stir inside, slowly becoming rage. I picked up the nearest objects and began to throw them at him, and I began yelling all sorts of profanities as I did. "Why the fuck did you do that, pair up with Ludmila to get rid of me? Am I really not that good enough for you?! Did you really have to make me feel so fucking worthless? Like I'm not enough for you?" I cried as I continued throwing objects at him.

"Don't you understand that I want to meet my father, it's more important to me than anything!" He yelled and stared at his shoes. "Then what am I?!" I yelled as my heart broke to every word he spoke. He looked up wide eyed thinking about what he just said, "Wait, I didn't-" I cut him off, "Forget about everything Diego." With that I ran outside, leaving him in disbelief of what he just said.


Thanks for reading.

Keep requesting ;)

Lots of Love,



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