Marciego - Prove me wrong

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I know, I know,... I've been absent for way too long. Blame it on internet problems, writers block and the fact that the weather has been incredible lately. So yeah. Besides that, I'm going to apologize in advance though, because I won't be able to upload much the next 2 months. You see, I'm going on a camping trip for almost 2 weeks, after that I can write some, but I'm not sure if I'll have time to upload it. And then I'm going on holiday with my family in the beginning of August for three weeks.

Long story short: lack of time and internet will be the reason for again a long absence. And I'm extremely sorry for that.

[MermaidWerewolf, I'm sorry you had to wait so long for this oneshot, but I'm already planning on writing a second one just for you ;) ]



Tears blurred Marco's vision as he recklessly pulled into the parking space in front of his small flat, and he angrily brushed them away.

His face became hot as he remembered the embarrassment that he had faced, thinking that he would have any chance walking into such a big musical audition, chalked full of guys who had been dancing since they were just fetuses. He had known that he was in trouble as soon as he realized he was the only one clad with basketball shorts and a baggy shirt, and it only went downhill as his lack of dancing skills managed to embarrass him further.

He stuffed the key into its lock, hearing the click of the door and letting himself in. Diego, his boyfriend of four months, waited on the couch, his glasses crooked on his face as he buried his nose into his latest read, The Glass Castle.

"Hey love! Your audition went great, I assume?" He asked, before he closed his book and saw Marco's swollen eyes and quivering lip.

He scowled, blinking fervently in hope that the tears would stay back.

Diego got up, walking over to him and grabbing his hand before gently pulling him to the couch. Tired and upset, he let him drag him along, plopping heavily onto the love seat and immediately curling up into his side.

"What happened, Marco?" He asked, gently stroking his hair.

"I just made a huge fool out of myself, walking into a freaking musical theater audition. This... just doesn't do... that!" He exclaimed, not noticing how Diego was trying to contain a snort. "I mean... What was I thinking? I'm not Leon, and I definitely don't know how to execute a freaking pirouette. All of the guys in that room were incredibly experienced dancers, and the choreographers had to keep slowing it down so I could catch on, while everyone else tried to hide their snooty giggles and eye rolls. It was horrid." He shivered, a lump lodging his throat.

"I bet you did just fine." Diego assured, and Marco shot him a glare.

"No! I did not do 'just fine'. I'm the new laughing stock of that cast! They're going to remember me, the guy who sucked." He pouted.

Diego squirmed out from beneath him, to his displeasure, getting up on his feet.

"Let me prove you wrong." He smiled slightly, holding his hand out towards Marco.

"No." Marco turned away, shooting one last look at his hand like the flesh was rotting off of his arm.

He quickly grabbed his hand, jolting him up off the couch and barely avoiding a dislocated shoulder by grabbing his lower back before he could fall.

"Oh." He whispered, shocked at how nimbly Diego had handled him.

Diego grinned, pulling him close to him and beginning to dance around his living room, oblivious to the fact that they had no music. Marco quickly caught on to his simple step, and began to sway in time with him.

"See? You're doing better than I am." Diego teased, kissing his nose.

"Am not." He laughed, feeling better.

"Don't believe me?" Diego let him go, walking over to their answering machine that sat on the counter. "Take a listen."

The automated machine beeped, before playing a familiar voice back.

"Hi, Mr. Tavelli. This is Aaron, with Discovery Talent Agency. I held the audition for 'Bad Boy' today, and I would like to congratulate you. Out of the seventy guys who came and auditioned for us, we would like to call you back as one of the possible actor for the secondary character of the show. So, if you could give me a call as soon as possible, I would love to fill you in with the logistics. Thanks again."

The machine beeped again and he sat in a stunned silence, before looking at Diego, his hands over his mouth.

His eyes twinkled, a smile evident on his face. "Now... Would you like to remind me of how you're such a crappy dancer?"


Thanks for reading!!

Lots of Love



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