Leonetta - Truth or Dare

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Violetta’s POV

It is safe to say I am fighting the urge to roll my eyes at myself, yawning in boredom as I sit in a circle with my four best friends and a few random party-goers. Truth or dare? Really? What is this, middle school? “Violetta, truth or dare?” My eyes snap up when I hear my name, my  gaze meeting the eyes of Leon.

He wears a cocky smirk on his face which makes me want to punch him in the nuts and also makes me want to kiss him until he is gasping for air. This is my struggle with Leon, he is so rude and cocky towards me and I want nothing more than to hate him like he hates me but sadly I harbor a huge liking for the boy. “Uh, truth, I guess.” I squeaked.

“Who do you have a crush on?” Instantly my cheeks flare red and I shake my head, dropping my eyes to the floor.

“I mean dare, I choose dare,” I chuckle awkwardly, my heart racing. I look back at the boy whose smirk has only widened, if even possible, as he stares back.

“Fine,” he shrugs, “kiss the person you like.” I weigh my options, I can tell him and risk him laughing in my face or I can tell him and successfully steal a kiss in the process before becoming the laughing stock of the party. I chose the latter, crawling across the circle and planting my lips on his only to be shocked when he pulls me closer and kisses me back just as eagerly. Whoops and cheers are passed around the room as he falls back, me landing on top of him with my mouth still molded to his.


Thanks for reading ;)

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Lots of Love,


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