Leonetta - Movies and Sunsets

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Leon enters the driveway and wants to get out of the car, but Violetta is already walking up to him. She opens the car door and is greeted by quick kiss.

Leon drove off to the movies. The two of them made fools of themselves, they goofed around for a couple of hours, and killed some time kissing because the movie wasn’t that good. When the movie ended, they decided to leave.

"Can you not drop me off at home?" Violetta requested. "I really don't want to go"

"Ok" Leon said, not wanting to ask any questions. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know" She said simply.

"I know where" Leon said simply and started to drive.

"Where are you taking me?" Violetta asked.

"You'll see" Leon drove her to an apartment complex. It was dark and looked abandoned.

"What is this Leon?" Violetta asked.

"Don't ask just come with me" They excited the car, he led her up the ladder, and they began climbing the fire escape until they reached the roof top.

"Leon this looks very bad and ominous" Violetta said as Leon helped her to the roof top.

"Yeah I know but look" Leon turned Violetta around to show her the most amazing view of the sunset and the stars that had already begun to show. "I used to come here as a little kid"

"Leon, the sunset looks great from here" Violetta said, as Leon and her sat down. "Ok, so you write amazing songs, are in a band, like to watch sunsets, drive, you’re an amazing artist, you can sing very well, are a great, kind person, and you’re pretty cute, if I may add. You are probably the best boyfriend ever.’’ Leon tried to hide the redness in his cheeks.

"Well, thank you Violetta. Your guess is as good as mine, I guess" Leon said.

 Violetta looked at Leon's smile at her and blushed slightly. She always loved his smile.

"Well, tell me a little more about yourself, tell me about the ‘real’ Leon Vargas" Violetta said nudging him in the shoulder.

As Leon pondered what he was going to say he looked over at a waiting Violetta and saw how the setting sunlight captured her eyes. He wasn't going to say it out loud but he thought that her eyes were her best feature, well that and her smile ofcourse. "Um, that's kind of a loaded question. I'm not as good as talking about myself as you are. Well, my name is Leon Carlos Vargas" Leon started. (I totally made that up )

"I knew your middle name was Carlos!" Violetta said.

"You did?"

"Well not exactly Carlos, but you look like a person that would have that kind of middle name, like Carlos or Fernando" Violetta said. "And Leon this isn't 'introduce yourself on the first day of class', you don't have to say your full name, just tell me about you"

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