Fedemila - Little Things

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I'm back!! As I warned you before, I wasn't going to be able to upload a lot this past two months. I haven't touched the internet for THREE WEEKS, I was on holiday and the internet didn't manage to work properly most of the time. But my resolution for this new school year will be to keep up a steady pace when it comes to writing and uploading. So without further ado, let's get started!!


In class.

In the corridor.
On stage,

Even his own home, goddammit!

Frankly, German was sick of it. He was used to the usual stuff - the teasing, the constant nicknames, the play-fighting - that was just part of their dynamic. Everyone knew that was their way of reacting off of each other, and everyone now considered it normal. It was just the way their relationship was. Things would have been wrong if it was any other way.

But what German was beginning to notice, and what he simply could not get his head around, was the way the two acted when nobody else was paying attention. If German didn't know any better, he would have just assumed that they... Well, that they liked each other. He couldn't imagine that though. Supernova Ludmila settling for someone 'not as perfect as she is'? No chance.

Ever since things had calmed down between Federico and his own daughter, (a welcome relief for German himself) he had gotten a different sort of a feeling from Ludmila and Federico. He began to notice little things, such as the way Federico stared at the back of Ludmila's head in class, or the way Ludmila always glanced at him from across the hallway. Or the proud smiles that Federico shot her way when she performed on stage, or that proud smile Ludmila would return when he takes the mic from her and seems to be singing just for her.

Come to think of it, there were a lot of little things they did for each other, when nobody was looking. The secret delighted grin that Ludmila would have after Federico joined in once again in "their little teasing game". The way Federico would chuckle when he saw he made Ludmila happy. The way Federico always seemed to leave at the same time as Ludmila when they were leaving the house - when he asked Violetta about it she replied (in an obvious tone) that of course they left at the same time, he walked her to school every day.

Then there was the way that Federico ALWAYS bought her her coffee during lunch. Or the fact that sometimes he carried her bag for her in school if it was too heavy. And he couldn't forget the time that when Federico was in a rut about his father, the only person who made him smile again that day was Ludmila. The way they always seemed to sit next to each other at the dinner table. Their furtive little winks. The several times Federico had remarked that he just wanted her to be happy.

And no one else seemed to notice any of this stuff. All everybody seemed to see was the playful teasing. Not him though. German didn't know what was going on between those two, and honestly, that not-knowing was beginning to drive him quite mad.

German just couldn't figure them out. Really and truly, if he didn't know any better, he would have just assumed that they were in love.


Thanks for reading!!

Keep requesting ;)

Lots of Love,



PS: I will delete my ask book if I don't get any questions. So please, ask me anything, I want to interact with my readers ;)

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