Fedemila - Confidence is Key

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"Fede!" I laughed as the two of us skated around an empty rink.

"You're doing fine." Federico laughed as he watched me struggle to remember how to ice skate.

"I used to be great at this," I pointed out.

"Yes, I remember." Federico laughed as I started to pick up my pace, racing down the ice leaving Federico behind.

"See, I'm a natural," I said with a proud tone. Federico laughed as he watched me skate around in front of him. He watched me closely smiling when I started to laugh, making sure he was ready to catch me if I started to fall.

"I know that I can go faster than you." Federico said as he gracefully skated up to me.

"Hell no," I said shaking my head. "There is no way you, a guitar player, can skate faster than me."

"You, someone who sits on their ass all day?" Federico bantered. "I am on my legs all day for shows and working out. I have muscle."

"Whatever." I said shaking my head as Federico and I started to skate in a circle. I went out to push him but he pulled himself to me. He wrapped his arm around my neck and lightly rubbed his nose against mine, closing my eyes briefly.

"Let's prove it," Federico said pulling away and looking around the rink and then at me. Since Federico was a really big celebrity we had to go to a closed rink, so no one could interrupt our time together. "We will start at one end of the rink and skate as fast as we can to the other side," Federico said gliding to the glass.

"What are we betting this time?" I asked.

"Loser does laundry for the entire month," Federico said holding his hand out.

"Deal" I said shaking his hand, knowing that I wasn't going to have any problems. Federico squeezed my hand before letting go of me and getting ready to take off. We both got in our mind set as he started to count down , the tension building as we both waited for the count of three.

As soon as the word left Federico's lips I took off not caring to look to see if Federico was behind me or not. All I knew was that he was not in front of me. Too focused on the race, I didn't hear Federico gaining speed behind me, causing him to crash into me.

"Shit," Federico said wrapping his arms around me and holding me to him as I fell on top of him.

"Fede!" I laughed as I looked down at him. He looked up at me not saying anything. "What? Is something wrong?" I asked as he moved his hands to my face, pushing the stray hairs out of the way.

"There's something that I want to tell you," Federico whispered.

"And why now?" I asked looking into Federico's eyes.

"I don't know why but I'm feeling oddly confident," he whispered as he kept his hand near my face.

"Then tell me," I whispered.

"I love you," Federico said making me smile. "I'm serious. You're all I think about when I'm on tour. Whenever I see you my heart speeds up and I..."

"I'm happy you finally told me," I said smiling. Before Federico could say anything I pressed my lips to his. The two of us lay in the middle of the ice rink, keeping each other warm in our tight embrace.


Three Fedemila fics in a row... Wonder why ;)

Thanks for reading and keep requesting!!

Lots of Love,



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