Wake up, Buddy

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And I'm back!! I know, it's been like, I dunno, 59 years since I last updated, but I have a reasonable explanation for that. You see, I had a rough month in school with exams etc... I didn't have much time to write anything tbh. And when I do something, I do it good and take my time. So here is another oneShot for you guys to make up for the wait. Thanks for understanding ;)

Tumbling down the hill and pain were the last things Federico remembered before waking up in an all but destroyed car in the middle of nowhere recognizable. There was a strong pain all around his right shoulder and in the middle of his back but that was pushed aside when he remembered his bandmates.


A simple drive through the town was all it was meant to be. It was Diego's first time driving the brand new car, and Broduey, having the most experience, sat in the passenger seat leaving Fede and Leon in the back when there was a mix up at the intersection near the bridge and a car slammed into the back of theirs, sending it tumbling down the hill, dangerously close to the water.


Federico looked up and the first thing he saw was that Diego was unconscious, slumped over the steering wheel bleeding from his head at an alarming rate. The next one he saw was Broduey, who had somehow managed to turn around in his seat so he was facing Federico, wedged under the door and the actual seat, no injuries visible. Broduey was sluggishly looking around when his eyes landed on the dull brown ones... Maybe he hit the back of his head, Federico thought.

"Broduey," Federico breathed out, closing his eyes to stop the sudden headache.

"Fede, ar—oh God, your shoulder" Broduey panted back, looking worriedly at him.

"Wha- oh," Federico re-opened his eyes and looked down towards his shoulder. There was a large shard of glass buried into his skin, blood quickly seeping down his chest and into his clothes. "Oh."

"We need to get help. Ah- I can't move my legs" Broduey said using his arms to try and pull himself out.

"Stay still y-you'll only make it worse." Federico said, unsure by what he meant by 'it', doing his best to block out the pain.

Looking to his left he realized that instead of seeing Leon, Federico saw where the door had been pulled off and nothing else. "Shit, Leon!" Federico called out moving quickly to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"Federico, stop! I'll get my phone and call for help and they'll find Leon, you need to stay there. You're too weak and we can't lose you too," Broduey cried, the situation overwhelming him. Finishing wrestling with the seatbelt, Federico pushed the door open and smiled sadly at Broduey,

"You'd do the same thing if you could. Just p-please call for help and wake D-Diego up," and Federico pulled himself out of the car landing hard on his hands and knees blocking out Broduey's cries for him to stop.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the blood now dripping onto the grass and the worsening pain in his back, Federico pushed himself up and took a few steps in the direction of the water, the only other logical place for Leon to be other than around the car.

After a few painful minutes, Federico was barely holding himself up even with the assistance from the tree, the only thing pushing him on was the fact that he could now see the water and there on the edge of the bank was a body.

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