Diemila - Cheater

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There is some rough language involved in this one shot, just warning you in advance.


The sound of the front door slamming woke me up with a jolt of energy, causing my heart to beat frantically as I shot up in bed. Looking to my left, I stared at the alarm clock on the nightstand, the red numbers flashing 3:42 AM (which didn't particularly surprise me). I could hear the faint sound of rain hitting the roof and pavement, bolts of lightning slicing into the sky, and the crackling of thunder.

I hated storms.

Absentmindedly reaching next to me, my face dropped into a frown once my fingers slid across the soft cotton of the comforter instead of the warm skin of the person who should've been there by now. He's late again.

The door of the bedroom opened swiftly as the silhouette of a shadow entered and walked over to the dresser, removing his jacket and shoes. Almost instantly my blood boiled.

Throwing the sheets off of me and swinging my legs over to meet the hardwood floors, I stood and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Where were you?" I questioned lowly, trying my hardest to maintain any type of composure I had. This was the third night in a row he'd come home late without an explanation, but this time I was definitely going to find out why.

"Out with the guys," Diego muttered nonchalantly, his back still facing me.

"Is that where you were all the other times, too?" I challenged, noticing Diego's back straighten.

He finally turned to look at me and ran a hand through his unruly and damp hair before sighing heavily, a hint of annoyance laced in his eyes as he stared at me. "Look, I'm tired, it's late, and I really don't want to put up with your shit tonight, so go to bed, alright?"

I could feel myself glaring at him as if he'd just asked me the dumbest question ever; it only made my anger spike even higher. How dare he even contemplate the thought of making a request to 'not put up with my shit' after coming home late for the third time in a row?

I walked towards him and instantly felt intimidated by how much he towered over me, but at that moment I didn't try to focus on that. He stared down at me, challenging me and awaiting my response until I finally had the courage to say something.

"Most of your clothes smell like perfume and it sure as hell isn't mine since I've hardly seen you this week, so I'll ask again: where were you tonight?" I spoke harshly.

As confident and strong as I tried to seem, deep inside it left me broken. To think of Diego being with some other girl besides me made my insides churn and bile rise in my throat. I knew that he had and I wanted him to admit it.

His eyes widened slightly and his jaw clenched and unclenched, his hard gaze suddenly leaving mine. Gotcha you bastard.

"Get out of my way." He growled and when I refused to move he walked around me.

"You didn't answer my-"

"Because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, so just drop it." He spat menacingly while pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it carelessly on the ground. "So are you gonna stand there all night interrogating me? Because if you intend to, make sure you cut off the light, will ya?"

Before my thoughts could even transfer to my brain I found myself pounding on Diego's back angrily, screaming a fit of "I hate you"s. By the time he turned around to grab my wrists, tears had already run down my cheeks and I was breathing heavily.

"Stop, Ludmila." His voice was heavily soaked in irritation.

"No! Tell me where you were and I'll leave you alone." Snatching my wrists free, I hit his chest over and over again. "Tell me!"

Growling, he shoved me back until my back hit a wall, a dull pain forming in my head due to the impact. Diego's body was pressed against mine tightly, making escape impossible as he stared at me, not a single ounce of sympathy swirling in his brown orbs.

"You wanna know where I was?" He spoke lowly but his tone never lightened. Although I didn't answer he continued anyway, "Fine. I went to a party with Ryan and got drunk enough not to say no when a hot girl with huge tits offered a good fuck...and believe me when I say it was good."

I could feel my breath hitch and my stomach held a queasy feeling that made bile nearly rise in my throat. The sad thing is that I knew he'd cheated on me...again, but I never would like hearing it or even knowing that he'd been sleeping with someone else.

"And now you know." He continued before unpinning me from the wall and walking over to the bed. My sadness was quickly exchanged for anger and by what he told me I knew what I had to do although it was the most dumb idea I've ever thought of.

Walking over to him I pushed him down onto the bed and before he could protest I climbed onto his lap in a straddling position.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked as he leaned up on his elbows, staring up at me while I tugged on my shirt.

"It's pretty obvious. I'm clearly not satisfying you if you feel the need to go out and cheat on me every night, so sit back, shut the hell up, and enjoy."

I began to leave a trail of kisses on his neck and down to his collarbone when his hands went to my hips as he tried to pull away from me hastily. I clung on to him. "Ludmila, stop," he whispered.

"No." Pushing him down so he lay flat on the bed, I hovered over him while kissing up his naked chest. "This is what you wanted right? A good fuck? Well, here, nothing's stopping you." Taking his hands in my own I brought them under my shirt and placed them on my breasts. His eyes flashed with desire and lust but there was still something hidden in them that caused his restraint.

Reaching for his belt buckle I tried to undo it before he took my hands in his and held my wrists firmly. "I go out because you mean more to me than just sex," His voice was low, "And that's no excuse, but I'm not gonna take advantage of you. Get off."

Staring at him in almost utter shock I quickly narrowed my eyes at him before grinding my lower half against his, earning a light groan as his eyes widened in their sockets.

"Bullshit, and you know it," I whispered before attaching his lips to mine hungrily. I could feel his restraint through the kiss as well, but that only made me thrust my hips against his again, feeling the bulge forming in his jeans.

It was obvious that the both of us were held accountable for our relationship being so dysfunctional, but I couldn't ever imagine the thought of me without Diego. It seemed impossible and I knew that it would fuck me over in the end anyway, but I didn't care.

If this was the way to show Diego that I didn't want to lose him, then so be it.


Breathing heavily, he fell onto the bed next to me before draping an arm across my waist and pulling the sheets up over us, kissing my temple as the both of us gained our composure.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't," I interrupted. "So...are you ready for round two?"

Diego's brows knitted together as he stared at me questioningly. "What?"

"I'm not satisfying you," I spoke, "So until I do, we'll keep doing this over and over and over again until you get tired of it and make it a necessity to come home to me."

A small smirk etched at the corners of his mouth as I rolled over on top of him, leaving light kisses on his chest and up his neck until I got to his ear.

"She may have offered a good fuck, but I'll be sure to rock your world, babe."


I hope you enjoyed this OneShot. Thanks for reading ;)

Keep requesting!!

Lots of Love,



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