Diemila - PS: I hate You

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Ludmila hated him. To the moon and back.  And now they have to do this assignment  together. Her  life can’t get any worse.

She sat down with a huff at her dinner table. Her mom and German looked at her with concern.

“What’s wrong?” her mom asked.

“Diego.” she replied and started picking at her food. “We have to do the assignment together.”

“What’s wrong with Diego? I don’t see why you hate him, he’s a good singer, and hot.” Violetta said.

“Are you blind? He’s not, and about the singing, he’s definitely not good enough for me. And you know what’s wrong with him is that he’s smug, arrogant, and just… stupid!” she stood up. “I’m going out for a walk. To blow off steam.” She said and left.

Diego’s POV

I sat in my room and sighed. What did I do wrong? Why does she hate me? I looked out my window. Speak of the devil. There she was, in all her beauty. Blonde, curly hair, her eyes that light up when she talks about herself and how amazing she is, wearing her typical red lipstick on her lips. I jumped out of my bed and ran outside.

“Ludmila” I shouted. She turned and when she realized who I was she scowled and turned away. I sighed and ran after her, catching up in seconds.

“Hey … Why are you out her?” My god that was pathetic.

“Blowing off steam.” She replied, crossing her arms.


“Because I hate you.”

“What? Why?”

Ludmila’s POV

“Because you hate me, and you’re arrogant and smug and annoying.” She whispered the next part to herself. “and cute.”

She thought he couldn’t hear her.

“You think I’m cute, huh?”

“What? No, I can’t, we hate each other.” He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look into his eyes.

“I don’t hate you, “she was shocked, “ In fact, I actually like you, a lot.” He said and leaned in and kissed her.

Fireworks. Bombs. Explosions. Nothing could describe the feeling of his lips on hers. She almost immediately kissed back, putting her hands on his shoulders. He moved his hands to her waist and pulled her closer.

The moment was ruined by Violetta, who was watching the whole time. She yelled, “Get some Ludmi!” and laughed. Ludmila pulled away and shouted, “Go away Vilu!”

“Told you he was hot!” she yelled back.

“Shut up” Ludmila mumbled and went back to kissing Diego.


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Lots of love, Emily

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